Ezekiel 34:17-22

Bishops(i) 17 And as for you O my sheepe, saith the Lorde God, I wyll iudge betweene cattaile & cattaile, betweene the rammes and the goates 18 Seemeth it a smal thing to you to haue eaten vp the good pasture, and to treade downe the residue of your pasture with your feete also? to drinke the deepe waters, and to trouble the rest also with your feete 19 Thus my sheepe must be faine to eate the thing that ye haue troden downe with your feete, and to drinke it that ye with your feete haue defiled 20 Therefore thus saith the Lorde God vnto them: Beholde I [euen] I wyll iudge betweene the fat cattaile and the leane cattaile 21 Forsomuch as with side and shoulder ye haue shoued, and with your hornes haue pushed all the weake, till ye haue scattered them abroade 22 I wyll saue my sheepe, so that they shal no more be spoyled, yea I wil iudge betweene cattaile and cattaile