Ezekiel 31:6-10

Bishops(i) 6 Al foules of the aire made their nestes in his braunches, vnder his bowes did all the beastes of the fielde bring foorth their young, and vnder his shadowe dwelt all mightie nations 7 Beautiful was he in his greatnesse, and in the length of his braunches: for his roote stoode beside great waters 8 No Cedar tree might hyde hym in the garden of God, there was no fyrre trees like his braunches, the chestnut trees were not like the bowes of him: all the trees in the garden of God, might not be compared vnto him in his beautie 9 I made him faire with the multitude of his braunches: insomuch that all the trees in the pleasaunt garden of God had enuie at hym 10 Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God: forsomuch as he hath lift vp him selfe so hye, and hath shot vp his top among the thycke bowes, and his heart is lift vp in his heyght