2 O thou sonne of man, write the name of this day, yea euen of this present day: for the kyng of Babylon set hym selfe agaynst Hierusalem this selfe same day
3 Shewe the rebellious house a parable, and speake vnto them, thus saith the Lorde God: Prepare a pot, set it on, and powre water into it
4 Gather the peeces therof into it, euery good peece, the thygh and the shoulder, & fyll it with the chiefe bones
5 Take one of the best sheepe, & a heape of bones vnder it: let it boyle well, and let the bones therof seeth well therin
6 With that sayde the Lorde God on this maner, Wo vnto the blooddy citie, to the pot whose scumme is therin, & whose scumme is not gone out of it: bryng it out peece by peece, let no lot fall vpon it
7 For her blood is yet in it, vpon a hygh drye stone hath she powred it: and not vpon the grounde, that it myght be couered with dust
8 That it might cause wrath to arise, and take vengeaunce: I haue set her blood vpon a high drye rocke, that it shoulde not be couered
9 Wherefore thus sayth the Lorde God: O wo be vnto the bloodthirstie citie, for whom euen I my selfe wil make a great fire
10 And set much wood, and kindle the fire, and seeth the fleshe, & spice the pot, so that the very bones shalbe brent
11 Moreouer, I will set the pot emptie vpo the coales, so that the brasse thereof may be hot and burnt, and the filthynesse of it may be molten in it, and the scum of it shalbe consumed
12 She hath weeried her selfe with labour, yet her great scum is not gone of her, in the fire her scum [must be consumed.
13 In thy filthynesse is wickednesse: because I would haue purged thee, and thou wast not purged, from thy filthynesse thou shalt not be purged any more, till I haue caused myne indignation to rest in thee
14 Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it: yea it is come therto all redy that I will do it, I will not go backe, I will not spare, I will not repent: but according to thy wayes and imaginations shall they iudge thee, sayth the Lorde God