36 The Lorde sayde moreouer vnto me, Thou sonne of man, wilt thou not iudge Aholah and Aholibah? shewe them their abhominations
37 [namely] that they haue broken their wedlocke, and blood is in their handes: and with their idols haue they comitted adulterie, and haue also caused their sonnes whom they bare vnto me, to passe [by the fire] to be their meate
38 Yea and this haue they done vnto me also, they haue defiled my sanctuarie in the same day, and haue prophaned my Sabbathes
39 For when they had slayne their children for their idols, they came the same day into my sanctuarie to defile it: and lo thus haue they done in my house
40 And howe much more [is it] that they sent for men to come from farre, vnto whom a messenger was sent, and lo they came? for whom thou didst washe thy selfe, and paynted thine eyes, and deckedst thee with ornamentes
41 Thou sattest vpon a stately bed, and a table spread before it, whervpon thou hast set mine incense and mine sylc
42 And a noyse of a mery company at it, and with the men, beside the multitude of the people, were brought men of Saba out of the desert, which gaue them bracelettes vpon their handes, and beautifull crownes vpon their heades
43 And I sayd vnto her that was worne in her adulteries, Nowe shall her fornications come to an ende, and she also
44 And they went in to her as they go vnto a common harlot: euen so went they [I say] to Aholah and Aholibah, those wicked women
45 And the righteous men, they shall iudge the after the maner of harlottes, and after the maner of murtherers: for they are harlottes, and blood is in their handes
46 Wherfore thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll bryng a great multitude of people vpon them, and geue them to be scattered and spoyled
47 And the multitude shall stone them with stones, and cut them downe with their swordes, they shall slay their sonnes and daughters, and burne vp their houses with fire
48 Thus wyll I cause wickednesse to ceasse out of the lande, that all women may be taught, not to do after your wickednesse