46 Thyne eldest sister is Samaria, she and her daughters that dwell vpon thy left hande: but thy younger sister that dwelleth on thy right hande is Sodoma and her daughters
47 Yet hast thou not walked after their wayes, nor done after their abhominations, as a litle and a litle: but in all thy wayes thou hast ben more corrupt then they
48 As truely as I liue, saith the Lorde God, Sodoma thy sister with her daughters, haue not done as thou hast done and thy daughters
49 Behold, the sinnes of thy sister Sodoma were these: Pryde, fulnesse of meate, and aboundaunce of idlenesse, these thinges had she and her daughters: besides that, they strengthed not the hande of the poore and needie
50 But they were hautie, and committed abhomination before me, therefore I toke them away as I sawe good