Ezekiel 16:37-41

Bishops(i) 37 Beholde therefore, I wyll gather together all thy louers with whom thou hast taken pleasure, yea and all them whom thou hast loued, and euery one that thou hatest: I wyll [I say] gather them together rounde about against thee, and wil discouer thy shame before them, that they may see all thy filthynesse 38 Moreouer, I wyll iudge thee as a breaker of wedlocke and a murtherer, and recompence thee thyne owne blood in wrath and gelousie 39 I wyll geue thee ouer into their handes, and they shal destroy thy hie place, and breake downe thy hye places, they shall strip thee also out of thy clothes: thy farre iewels shall they take from thee, and so leaue thee naked and bare 40 Yea they shall bryng a company vpon thee, whiche shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their swordes 41 They shall burne vp thy houses with fire, and punishe thee in the sight of many women: thus wyll I make thee ceasse from playing the harlot, so that thou shalt geue out no more rewardes