37 And the children of Israel toke their iourney from Rameses to Suchoth, sixe hundred thousand men of foote, besyde chyldren
38 And a great multitude of sundry other nations wet also with them, and sheepe and oxen, and exceedyng much cattell
39 And they baked vnleauened cakes of the dowgh whiche they brought out of Egypt, for it was not sowred: For they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tary, nether had they prepared for them selues any prouision of meate
40 The dwellyng of the chyldren of Israel which they dwelled in Egypt, was foure hundred and thirtie yeres
41 And when the foure hundred & thirtie yeres were expired, euen the selfe same day departed al the hoastes of the Lord out of the lande of Egypt
42 It is a nyght to be obserued vnto the Lorde, in the whiche he brought them out of the lande of Egypt: This is that nyght of the Lorde, whiche all the chyldren of Israel must kepe throughout their generations