1 In the twelfth moneth (that is the moneth Adar) vpo the thirteenth day of the same, when the kinges worde and commaundement drue neare to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Iewes hoped to haue power ouer the, it turned contrary: for the Iewes had rule ouer them that hated them
2 For then gathered the Iewes together in their cities within all the prouinces of king Ahasuerus, to lay hande on such as woulde do them euill, and no man could withstand them: for the feare of them was come ouer all people
3 And all the rulers in the prouinces, and princes, and deputies, and officers of the king, promoted the Iewes: for the feare of Mardocheus came vpon them
4 For Mardocheus was great in the kinges house, & the reporte of him was noysed in all the prouinces: for this man Mardocheus waxed greater and greater
5 Thus the Iewes smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and slaughter, and destruction, & did what they would vnto their enemies
6 And at Susan the chiefe citie slue the Iewes, & destroyed fiue hundred men
7 And slue Pharsandatha, Dalphon, Asphatha
8 Phoratha, Adalia, Aridatha
9 Pharmastha, Arisai, Aridai, and Uaizatha
10 The ten sonnes of Haman the sonne of Hamadata the enemie of the Iewes: but on his goodes they layed no handes
11 At the same time was the king certified of the number of those that were slaine in the citie of Susan
12 And the king saide vnto queene Esther: The Iewes haue slaine and destroyed fiue hundred men in the citie of Susan, and the ten sonnes of Haman: What haue they done [thinkest thou] in other landes of the king? And what is thy petition, that it may be geuen thee? or what requirest thou more to be done
13 Esther aunswered: If it please the king, let him suffer the Iewes which are in Susan, to morow also to do according vnto this dayes decree, that they may hang Hamans ten sonnes vpon the tree
14 And the king charged to do so: and the decree was deuised at Susan, and they hanged Hamans ten sonnes
15 For the Iewes that were in Susan gathered them selues together, vpon the fourteenth day of the moneth Adar, and slue three hundred men at Susan: but on their goodes they layed no handes
16 As for the other Iewes that were in the kinges prouinces, they came together and stoode for their liues, & had rest from their enemies, & slue of their enemies seuentie and fiue thousand: howbeit they layed no handes on their goodes