7 After this I saw in a vision by night, & beholde, the fourth beast was grimme and horrible, and marueylous strong: it had great iron teeth, it deuoured & destroyed, & stamped the residue vnder his feete, it was vnlike yt other beastes that were before it, for it had ten hornes
8 As I considered the hornes, beholde, there came vp among them another little horne, before whom there were three of the first hornes pluckt away: and behold, this horne had eyes lyke the eyes of a man, & a mouth speaking presumptuous thinges
9 I behelde till the thrones were set vp, & the auncient of dayes did sit: whose garment was white as snowe, and the heeres of his head lyke the pure wooll: his throne was like the firie flambe, and his wheeles as burning fire
10 There issued foorth a firie streame, and went out from before him: a thousand thousandes ministred vnto him, and ten thousand thousandes stoode before him: the iudgement was set, & the bookes opened
11 Then toke I heede therunto, because of the voyce of the proude words which the horne spake: I behelde till the beast was slaine, and his body destroyed, and geuen to be brent in the fire
12 As concerning the other beastes, they had their dominion taken away, but their liues were prolonged for a certaine time and season
13 I saw in visions by night, and behold there came one in the cloudes of heauen, lyke the sonne of man: which went vnto the aucient of dayes, before whom they brought him
14 And he gaue him dominion & honour, and a kingdome, that al people, nations, and languages should serue him: his dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall neuer be taken away, and his kingdome shall neuer be destroyed
15 I Daniel was troubled in my spirite in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head made me afrayde
16 I gate me vnto one of them that stoode by, and asked him the trueth concerning all these thinges: so he tolde me, and made me vnderstand the interpretation of these thinges
17 These great beastes which are foure, are foure kinges which shall arise out of the earth