Daniel 12:8-13

Bishops(i) 8 Then I hearde it, but I vnderstoode it not: then sayde I, O my Lord, what shall be the ende of these thinges 9 And he saide, Go thy way Daniel, for the wordes are closed vp and sealed tyll the tyme of the ende 10 Many shalbe purified, made white, and tryed: but the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shal haue vnderstanding, but the wyse shall vnderstande 11 And from the tyme that the dayly [sacrifice] shalbe taken away, and the abhominable desolation set vp, there shalbe a thousande two hundred, and ninetie dayes 12 Blessed is he that wayteth and commeth to the thousande, three hundred, and fiue and thirtie dayes 13 But go thou thy way tyll the ende be, for thou shalt rest, and stande vp in thy lot at the ende of the dayes