Daniel 12:1-4

Bishops(i) 1 And at that tyme shal Michael stande vp, the great prince, which standeth for the chyldren of thy people: for there shalbe a tyme of trouble, suche as neuer was since there began to be a nation, vnto that same tyme: and at that tyme thy people shalbe deliuered euery one that shalbe found written in the booke 2 And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth, shal awake, some to euerlasting life, & some to shame & perpetuall contempt 3 They that be wyse, shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament: and they that turne many to righteousnesse, as the starres for euer and euer 4 But thou O Daniel shut vp the wordes, and seale the booke till the time of the ende: many shall go about here and there, and knowledge shalbe encreased