Colossians 3:3-8

Bishops(i) 3 For ye are dead, and your lyfe is hyd with Christe in God 4 When soeuer Christe which is our life, shall appeare, then shall ye also appeare with hym in glorie 5 Mortifie therefore your members which are vpon the earth: fornication, vncleannesse, inordinate affection, euyll concupiscence, and couetousnesse, which is worshippyng of images 6 For which thynges sake, the wrath of God commeth on the children of disobedience 7 In the which ye walked sometyme, when ye lyued in them 8 But nowe put ye of also all, wrath, fiercenesse, maliciousnesse, blasphemie, filthie comunication out of your mouth