23 And whe he had taried there a while, he departed, and went ouer al the countrey of Galatia and Phrygia by order, strengthyng all the disciples
24 And a certaine Iewe, named Apollos, borne at Alexandria, came to Ephesus, an eloquent man, and myghtie in the scriptures
25 The same was infourmed in the way of the Lorde, and spake feruently in the spirite, & taught diligently the thynges of the Lorde, and knewe but the baptisme of Iohn only
26 And the same began to speake boldly in the synagogue. Whom when Aquila and Priscilla had hearde, they toke him vnto them, and expounded vnto him the way of God more perfectly
27 And when he was disposed to go into Achaia, the brethre wrote, exhorting the disciples to receaue hym: Which when he was come, helped them much which had beleued through grace
28 For he ouercame the Iewes myghtilye, and that openly, shewyng by the scriptures, that Iesus was Christe