3 Thou therfore suffer afflictions as a good souldier of Iesus Christe
4 No man that warreth, entangleth hym selfe with thaffayres of [this] lyfe, that he may please hym which hath chosen hym to be a souldier
5 And if a man also wrestle, yet is he not crowned except he wrestle lawfullie
6 The labouryng husbandman, must first be partaker of the fruites
7 Consider What I say: and the Lorde geue thee vnderstandyng in all thinges
8 Remember that Iesus Christe, of the seede of Dauid, was raysed from the dead, accordyng to my Gospell
9 Wherin I suffer trouble as an euyll doer, euen vnto bondes: But the worde of God is not bounde
10 Therfore I suffer all thynges for the electes sakes, that they myght also obtaine the saluation, which is in Christ Iesus, with eternall glorie
11 It is a faythfull saying: for yf we be dead with hym, we shall also lyue with hym
12 If we be patient, we shall also raigne with hym: If we denie hym, he also shall denie vs