2 Corinthians 12:13-20

Bishops(i) 13 For what is it, wherin ye were inferiour vnto other Churches, except [it be] that I was not chargeable vnto you? Forgeue me this wrong 14 Beholde, nowe the thirde tyme I am redy to come vnto you, and yet wyll I not be chargeable vnto you: For I seke not yours, but you. For the children ought not to lay vp for the fathers and mothers: but the fathers and mothers for the chyldren 15 I wyll very gladly bestowe, & wylbe bestowed for your sakes, though the more aboundauntly I loue you, the lesse I am loued agayne 16 But be it, [that] I was not chargeable vnto you: Neuerthelesse, when I was craftie, I caught you with guile 17 Dyd I pyll you by any of them who I sent vnto you 18 I desired Titus, and with hym I sent a brother: Dyd Titus defraude you of any thyng? Haue we not walked in the same spirite? not in the same steppes 19 Agayne, thynke you that we excuse our selues vnto you? We speake in Christ in the syght of God: but [we do] all thinges dearely beloued, for your edifiyng 20 For I feare lest when I come, I shall not fynde you such as I woulde: and that I shalbe founde vnto you, such as ye woulde not: lest there be debates, enuyinges, wrathes, strifes, backbitinges, whisperinges, swellinges, & seditions