8 And Solomon saide vnto God: Thou hast shewed great mercie vnto Dauid my father, and hast made me to raigne in his steade
9 Now therefore, O Lorde God, let thy promise which thou madest vnto Dauid my father, be true: For thou hast made me king ouer a people which is lyke the dust of the earth in multitude
10 Wherefore geue me now wysedome and knowledge, that I may be able to go in and out before this people: for who els can iudge this people that is so great
11 And God saide to Solomon: Because this was in thyne heart, and because thou hast not asked treasure and riches, and honour, & the liues of thyne enemies, neither yet long lyfe, but hast asked wysedome and knowledge for thy selfe, to iudge my people ouer which I haue made thee king
12 Wysedome and knowledge is graunted vnto thee, and I will geue thee treasure, & riches, and glory: so that among the kinges that haue ben before thee, or after thee, none was or shalbe lyke thee