1 Samuel 25:14-17

Bishops(i) 14 But one of the laddes tolde Abigail Nabals wyfe, saying: Beholde, Dauid sent messengers vnto our maister out of the wildernesse to salute him: and he rayled on them 15 And yet the men were very good vnto vs, and dyd vs no displeasure, neither missed we any thyng as long as we were conuersaunt with them when we were in the fieldes 16 They were a wall vnto vs both by night and day, all the while we were with them keping sheepe 17 Now therefore take heede, & see what thou shalt do: for surelie euyll will come vpon our maister and al his housholde, for he is so wicked, that a man can not speake to him