1 Samuel 22:9-17

Bishops(i) 9 Then aunswered Doeg the Edomite (which was appoynted by ye seruauntes of Saul) and sayd: I sawe the sonne of Isai, when he came to Nob to Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitob 10 Whiche asked councel of the Lorde for him, and gaue him vittayles, and the sword of Goliath the Philistine also 11 Then the king sent and called for Ahimelech the priest the sonne of Ahitob, & all his fathers house [that is to saye] the priestes that were in Nob: And they came all to the king 12 And Saul sayde: Heare nowe thou sonne of Ahitob. He aunswered: Here I am, my lorde 13 And Saul sayde vnto him: Why haue ye conspired agaynst me, thou, and the sonne of Isai, in that thou hast geuen him vittayle, and a sworde, and hast asked councel of God for him, yt he shoulde aryse against me, and lye in waite for me [as appeareth] this day 14 Ahimelech aunswered the king, and sayde: Who is so faithfull among all thy seruauntes, as Dauid, and therto the kinges sonne in lawe: and goeth at thy bidding, and is had in honour in thyne house 15 Haue I this day begun first to aske councell of God for him? That be farre from me: Let not the king impute any thing vnto his seruaut, nor to all ye house of my father: For thy seruaunt knewe nothing of all this, either lesse or more 16 The king sayde, Thou shalt surely die Ahimelech, thou, & al thy fathers house 17 And the king sayde vnto the footemen that stoode about him: Turne, and slay the priestes of the Lorde: both because their hand is with Dauid, and because they knewe when Dauid fled, and shewed it not to me. But the seruauntes of the king would not moue their hades to fal vpon the priestes of the Lorde