19 Οὐαὶ (Woe) δὲ (then) ταῖς (to those) ἐν (in) γαστρὶ (womb) ἐχούσαις (having), καὶ (and) ταῖς (to the ones) θηλαζούσαις (nursing infants) ἐν (in) ἐκείναις (those) ταῖς (the) ἡμέραις (days).
20 προσεύχεσθε (Pray) δὲ (however) ἵνα (that) μὴ (not) γένηται (might be) ἡ (the) φυγὴ (flight) ὑμῶν (of you) χειμῶνος (in winter), μηδὲ (nor) σαββάτῳ (on a Sabbath).
21 ἔσται (There will be) γὰρ (for) τότε (then) θλῖψις (tribulation) μεγάλη (great), οἵα (such as) οὐ (not) γέγονεν (has been) ἀπ’ (from the) ἀρχῆς (beginning) κόσμου (of the world) ἕως (until) τοῦ (-) νῦν (now), οὐδ’ (no) οὐ (never) μὴ (not) γένηται (shall be).
22 καὶ (And) εἰ (if) μὴ (not) ἐκολοβώθησαν (had been shortened) αἱ (the) ἡμέραι (days) ἐκεῖναι (those), οὐκ (not) ἂν (-) ἐσώθη (there would have been saved) πᾶσα (any) σάρξ (flesh); διὰ (because of) δὲ (however) τοὺς (the) ἐκλεκτοὺς (elect), κολοβωθήσονται (will be shortened) αἱ (the) ἡμέραι (days) ἐκεῖναι (those).