Mark 13:12-13

BIB(i) 12 Καὶ (And) παραδώσει (will deliver up) ἀδελφὸς (brother), ἀδελφὸν (brother) εἰς (to) θάνατον (death), καὶ (and) πατὴρ (father), τέκνον (child); καὶ (and) ἐπαναστήσονται (will rise up) τέκνα (children) ἐπὶ (against) γονεῖς (parents), καὶ (and) θανατώσουσιν (will put to death) αὐτούς (them). 13 καὶ (And) ἔσεσθε (you will be) μισούμενοι (hated) ὑπὸ (by) πάντων (all) διὰ (on account of) τὸ (the) ὄνομά (name) μου (of Me); ὁ (the one) δὲ (however) ὑπομείνας (having endured) εἰς (to) τέλος (the end), οὗτος (he) σωθήσεται (will be saved).