4 ἐγώ (I) σε (You) ἐδόξασα (glorified) ἐπὶ (on) τῆς (the) γῆς (earth), τὸ (the) ἔργον (work) τελειώσας (having completed) ὃ (that) δέδωκάς (You have given) μοι (Me) ἵνα (that) ποιήσω (I should do).
5 καὶ (And) νῦν (now) δόξασόν (glorify) με (Me) σύ (You), Πάτερ (Father), παρὰ (with) σεαυτῷ (Yourself), τῇ (with the) δόξῃ (glory) ᾗ (that) εἶχον (I had) πρὸ (before) τοῦ (-) τὸν (the) κόσμον (world) εἶναι (existed), παρὰ (with) σοί (You).
6 Ἐφανέρωσά (I revealed) σου (Your) τὸ (-) ὄνομα (name) τοῖς (to the) ἀνθρώποις (men) οὓς (whom) ἔδωκάς (You have given) μοι (Me) ἐκ (out of) τοῦ (the) κόσμου (world). σοὶ (Yours) ἦσαν (they were), κἀμοὶ (and to Me) αὐτοὺς (them) ἔδωκας (You gave), καὶ (and) τὸν (the) λόγον (word) σου (of You) τετήρηκαν (they have kept).