Hebrews 9:24-28

BIB(i) 24 οὐ (Not) γὰρ (for) εἰς (into) χειροποίητα (made by hands) εἰσῆλθεν (has entered) ἅγια (holy places) Χριστός (Christ), ἀντίτυπα (copies) τῶν (of the) ἀληθινῶν (true ones), ἀλλ’ (but) εἰς (into) αὐτὸν (itself) τὸν (-) οὐρανόν (heaven), νῦν (now) ἐμφανισθῆναι (to appear) τῷ (in the) προσώπῳ (presence) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) ὑπὲρ (for) ἡμῶν (us), 25 οὐδ’ (nor) ἵνα (that) πολλάκις (repeatedly) προσφέρῃ (He should offer) ἑαυτόν (Himself), ὥσπερ (just as) ὁ (the) ἀρχιερεὺς (high priest) εἰσέρχεται (enters) εἰς (into) τὰ (the) ἅγια (holy places) κατ’ (every) ἐνιαυτὸν (year) ἐν (with) αἵματι (the blood) ἀλλοτρίῳ (of another). 26 Ἐπεὶ (Otherwise) ἔδει (it was necessary for) αὐτὸν (Him) πολλάκις (repeatedly) παθεῖν (to have suffered) ἀπὸ (from) καταβολῆς (the foundation) κόσμου (of the world). νυνὶ (Now) δὲ (however) ἅπαξ (once) ἐπὶ (in) συντελείᾳ (the consummation) τῶν (of the) αἰώνων (ages), εἰς (for) ἀθέτησιν (the putting away) τῆς (of) ἁμαρτίας (sin), διὰ (by) τῆς (the) θυσίας (sacrifice) αὐτοῦ (of Himself) πεφανέρωται (He has been revealed). 27 Καὶ (And) καθ’ (in) ὅσον (as much as) ἀπόκειται (it is apportioned) τοῖς (-) ἀνθρώποις (to men) ἅπαξ (once) ἀποθανεῖν (to die), μετὰ (after) δὲ (then) τοῦτο (this) κρίσις (to face judgment), 28 οὕτως (so) καὶ (also) ὁ (-) Χριστός (Christ), ἅπαξ (once) προσενεχθεὶς (having been offered) εἰς (in order) τὸ (-) πολλῶν (of many) ἀνενεγκεῖν (to bear) ἁμαρτίας (the sins), ἐκ (for) δευτέρου (a second time), χωρὶς (apart from) ἁμαρτίας (sin), ὀφθήσεται (will appear) τοῖς (to those) αὐτὸν (Him) ἀπεκδεχομένοις (awaiting) εἰς (for) σωτηρίαν (salvation).