BDB829 [H827]

אַשְׁפָּה noun feminine quiver for arrows (Assyrian išpatu DlK 29) ׳א literal as part of warlike equipment Job 39:23; Isa 22:6 figurative in simile of sons of one's youth as arrows (weapons which the father may wield) Ps 127:5 אַשְׁרֵי הַגֶּבֶר אֲשֶׁר מִלֵּא אֶתאַֿשְׁפָּתוֺ מֵהֶם the happiness of the man that hath filled his quiver with them ! of Yahweh's quiver, in metaphor of prophet as arrow of ׳י Isa 49:2 וַיְשִׂימֵנִי לְחַץ בָּרוּר בְּאַשְׁפָּתוֺ הִסְתִּירָ֑נִי and he made me into a polished arrow, in his quiver he hid me; also of quiver in which ׳י has his arrows of chastisement, בְּנֵי אַשְׁפָּתוֺ, i.e. his arrows Lam 3:13 (|| חֵץ vLam 3:12).

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer