BDB7563 [H7133]

קָרְבָּן80 noun masculineLev 6:13 offering, oblation (Assyrian kurbannu, id., apparently always with כ DlHWB 351); — absolute ׳ק Lev 1:2 +; construct קָרְבַּן Lev 2:1 +; Sf. קָרְבָּנִי Num 28:2 plural suffix קָרְבְּנֵיהֶם Lev 7:38offering, oblation, general term for all kinds of offering (only Ezekiel Leviticus Numbers [H P]): animal Lev 1:2; Lev 1:3; Lev 1:10 +, vegetable Lev 2:1 (twice in verse); Lev 2:5 +, articles of gold Num 31:50, silver Num 7:13 +, etc., as accusative of congnate meaning with verb after הִקְרִיב Lev 1:2 (twice in verse); Lev 3:14; Num 6:14 + (see √ Hiph`il 2 b (5)); cstr מִנְחָה ׳ק Lev 2:1; Lev 2:4; Lev 2:13 רֵאשִׁית ׳ק vLev 2:12 אִשֶּׁה ׳ק Lev 22:27 ׳י ׳ק Num 9:7; Num 9:13 (compareNum 31:50).

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer