BDB2810 [H2505]

I. חָלַק verb divide, share (Late Hebrew id.; Aramaic חֲלַק field, חוּלְּקָא portion, divide, determine, decree; Arabic measure, measure off; Assyrian e‡lu, possession, field, JägerBAS ii. 296; Ethiopic : 1. 2, is enumerate, enumeration, number) —

Qal Perfect ׳ה Deut 4:19 + 5 t.; חָֽלְקוּ Josh 18:2 Imperfect יַחֲלֹק Job 27:17; Prov 17:2 2 masculine singular suffix וַתַּחְלְקֵם Neh 9:22 3 plural וַיַּחְלְקוּ Josh 14:5 יַחֲלֹ֑קוּ 1Sam 30:24 וַיַּחְלְקוּם 1Chr 24:4; 1Chr 24:5 תַּחְלְקוּ 2Sam 19:30 Imperative חִלְקוּ Josh 22:8 Infinitive לַחֲלֹק Neh 13:13 Participle חוֺלֵק Prov 29:24
1. divide, apportion, followed by accusative (of gods) and לְ person Deut 4:19; Deut 29:25 accusative not expressed Neh 13:13 (reference to offerings and tithes); with accusative (of land) Josh 14:5 (P), Josh 18:2 (JE), 2Sam 19:30: object people Neh 9:22 עִם ׳ח divide with others Josh 22:8 (D ?).
2. assign, distribute : Levites over (על) temple 2Chr 23:18, compare 1Chr 24:4; 1Chr 24:5.
3. assign, impart, followed by בִּינָה & לְ Job 39:17.
4. share (in), followed by accusative silver Job 27:17 inheritance Prov 17:2 spoil 1Sam 30:24 (object omitted); followed by עם have shares with עם גַּנָּב ׳ח Prov 29:24.
5. divide up = plunder the temple, followed by accusative 2Chr 28:21 (see Be). Niph`al Imperfect יֵחָלֵק Num 26:55; 1Kgs 16:21 יֵחָ֫לֶק Job 38:24 וַיֵּחָלֵק Gen 14:15 3 feminine singular תֵּחָלֵק Num 26:53; Num 26:56 וֶַ˜יּחָלְקֵם (Baer) 1Chr 23:6; 1Chr 24:3 compare Be & below below Pi`el; —
1. reflexive, divide oneself Gen 14:15 (i.e. one's men).
2. passive be divided:
\ \ a. apportioned, the land Num 26:53; Num 26:55 (by lot) vNum 26:56 (id.); all P.
\ \ b. of people, divided into two factions 1Kgs 16:21.
\ \ c. of light, parted, spread abroad Job 38:24.
3. transitive assign, distribute 1Chr 23:6; 1Chr 24:3, but transitive Niph`al is unlikely, see below Pi`el Perfect 3 plural חִלְּקוּ Joel 1Chr 4:2 וְחִלַּקְתֶּם consecutive Ezek 47:21 suffix חִלְּקָם Lam 4:16 3 feminine singular suffix חִלְּקַ֫תָּה Isa 34:17 2 masculine singular suffix וְחִלַּקְתָּם Ezek 5:1Imperfect יְחַלֵּק Gen 49:27 + 4 t., etc.; probably read יְחַלְּקֵם 1Chr 23:6; 1Chr 24:3 (see above Niph`al), etc.; Imperative חַלֵּק Josh 13:7 Infinitive חַלֵּק Josh 19:51; Prov 16:19 suffix חַלְּקָם Isa 9:2
1. divide, apportion: food, at festival 2Sam 6:19, followed by accusative & לְ = 1Chr 16:3, garments Ps 22:19, sorrows Job 21:17 (no לְ); give a portion to, followed by לְ (no accusative expressed) Isa 53:12 a land Joel 4:2 (no indirect object) Josh 19:51 (P), also Mic 2:4; Ps 60:8 = Ps 108:8, Dan 11:39 followed by accusative & לְ Josh 13:7; Josh 18:10; 1Kgs 18:6; Isa 34:17; Ezek 47:21 divide hair (symbolic) Ezek 5:1 divide spoil (שָׁלָל) Isa 9:2; Prov 16:19; Gen 49:27 (poem), Exod 15:9 (song); Judg 5:30; Ps 68:13; Isa 53:12.
2. assign, distribute: Levites to their service, probably 1Chr 23:6; 1Chr 24:3 (see above)
3. scatter, followed by accusative Gen 49:7 (poem) (|| הפיץ), Lam 4:16. Pu`al Perfect חֻלַּק Isa 33:23 וְחֻלַּק consecutive Zech 14:1 Imperfect 3 feminine singular תְּחֻלָּ֑ק Amos 7:17 be divided, of land Amos 7:17 spoil Isa 33:23; Zech 14:1. Hithpa`el Perfect וְהִתְחַלְּקוּ consecutive Josh 18:5 divide (land) among themselves. Hiph`il Infinitive לַחֲלִק Jer 37:12 to receive a portion (denominative from חֵלֶק), but dubious

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer