BDB9944 [H7801]

שׁוּשַׁנְכָיֵא proper name, of a people plural the Susians, people of Susa Ezra 4:9, see דהוא (DlPa 327; singular [שׁוּשַׁנָךְ] according to Scheft92, = Old Persian * šušana-ka, from Susa, so (as alternative) AndrM 85 *; compare (on Elamite god Šušinak) WeissbachAnzanische Inschr. 136 JenVOJ vi. 54 ZimKAT 3. 485, and (on Šušun‡a in Elamite inscription, apparently proper name, of a territory) see Weissbl.c. JenZMG iv (1901), 229).

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer