BDB9672 [H4483 H4487]

מְנָה verb number, reckon (see Biblical Hebrew); —

Pe`al Perfect 3 masculine singular ׳מ Dan 5:26 God has numbered (the days of) thy kingdom (accusative; i.e. put an end to it); — מְנֵא see below Pa`el appoint, accusative of person: Perfect 3 masculine singular מַנִּי Dan 2:24 (+ Infinitive), vDan 2:49 (ל person + עַל of thing); 2 masculine singular מִבִּיתָ Dan 3:12 (עַל of thing); Imperative masculine singular מֶנִּי (K§, 47, 3, c)) Ezra 7:25.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer