BDB8064 [H7511 H7515]

רָפַס, רָפַשׂ verb stamp, tread, foul by stamping, treading (Late Hebrew רָפַס tread, Syriac ; compare Arabic kick); —

Qal Imperfect 2 masculine singular וַתִּרְפֹּס Ezek 32:2, with accusative rivers; 2 masculine plural תִּרְפּשֹׁ֑וּן Ezek 34:18. Niph`al Participle מַעְיָן נִרְפָּשׂ Prov 25:26 a fountain befouled. Hithpa`el (stamp oneself down, then figurative), Imperative masculine singular הִתְרַפֵּס Prov 6:3 humble thyself, become a suppliant (RVm Toy bestir thyself, as conjecture); Participle מִתְרַפֵּס בְּרַצֵּי כָ֑סֶף Ps 68:31 stamping, trampling, down pieces of silver (?), obscure and probably corrupt, see conjectures in Bae and others and פַּתְרֹס above, near the end

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer