BDB7954 [H7416]

I. רִמּוֺן noun masculineJer 52:23 pomegranate (foreign word of doubtful origin, compare LöwNo.310 HomA.u. A. 97 ff.; Aramaic רִימּוֺנָא, רוּמָּנָא, , Mandean רומאנא M.123; Arabic (Aramaic loan-word, Frä142), Ethiopic ); — absolute ׳ר 1Sam 14:2 +, רִמֹּן Exod 39:26 (twice in verse); suffix רִמֹּנִי Song 8:2 plural רִמּוֺנִים 1Kgs 7:20 +, etc.; — pomegranate:

1. tree 1Sam 14:2, often + גְּפֶן, תְּאֵנָה, etc., Num 20:5 (JE), Deut 8:8; Hag 2:19; Joel 1:12; Song 4:13; Song 6:11; Song 7:13.
2. fruit Num 13:23 (J E; + עֲנָבִים, תְּאֵנִים); ׳עֲסִיס ר Song 8:2, ׳פֶּלַח הָר (in simile) Song 4:3; Song 6:7.
3. ornaments in temple, shaped like pomegranates (compare in modern Syria = apaulet, AlmkvistKi. Beiträge zur Lexicogr., etc. NesMarg. 12), 1Kgs 7:18 (on text compare StaZAW iii (1883), 154 f. Kit Benz), v1Kgs 7:20 v1Kgs 7:42 v1Kgs 7:42 || 2Chr 3:16; 2Chr 4:13 (twice in verse); 2Kgs 25:17 = Jer 52:22; Jer 52:22; Jer 52:23 (twice in verse); so in tabernacle, Exod 28:33; Exod 28:34 (twice in verse); Exod 39:24; Exod 39:25 (twice in verse); Exod 39:26 (twice in verse).

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer