BDB7523 [H7117]

קְצָת noun feminine end (LagBN 10 Ges«GKC:95n»§ 95n); — construct ׳ק Neh 7:69 (Gi Baer, vNeh 7:70 van d. H.) +; suffix קְצָתָם Dan 1:5 plural absolute קְצָוֺת Exod 38:5; Ps 65:9 ( + perhaps קצוותו Exod 37:8; Exod 39:4 Kt. see קָצָה; ii. 1, 61 derives these plural forms from [קָ֑צוּ]); —

1. end, of corners of grating Exod 38:5 (|| קְצוֺתָיו Exod 27:4), compare Exod 37:8; Exod 39:4 above (all P); ends of earth Ps 65:9.
2. מִקְצָת (some) from the end of, some of (מִן 3 b) Neh 7:69 (so Late Hebrew), Dan 1:2.
3. ׳מִק at the end of a certain time Dan 1:5; Dan 1:15; Dan 1:18.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer