BDB4794 [H4754]

I. [מָרָא] verb only Hiph`il Imperfect 3 feminine singular: meaning dubious, perhaps beat the air, or flap the wings, compare Di De (and Wetzst in De), Bu Du (compare Arabic whip, urge on a horse ?); — תַּמְרִ֑יא תִּשְׂחָק לַסּוּם וּלְדֹבְ˜בוֺ׃ Job 39:18 she (the ostrich) flaps away, she laughs at the horse and his rider.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer