BDB4181 [H3741]

[כָּרָה] noun feminine cistern (or well), only plural construct In נְוֺת כְּרֹת רֹעִים Zeph 2:6 pastures of (= with) wells of shepherds, but text dubious; ׳כ a gloss according to ii. 176, (§ 94 a) Anm.; ᵐ5. κρήτὴ We (כֶרת נות רעים והיתה as ᵐ5. kereth = Philistia; see further כְּרֵתִי; BöhmeZAW vii. 1887, 212 views כְּרֹת, plausibly, as erroneous variant of preceding נְוֺת, so Schwib. x. 1890, 185, 186; Rosthstein in KauAT.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer