BDB4000 [H3591]

I. כִּידוֺן noun [masculine] dart, javelin (Late Hebrew id.) — absolute ׳כ Josh 8:18 + 6 t.; כִּידֹן Jer 50:42 construct כִּידוֺן 1Sam 17:6dart, javelin (distinct from חֲנִית spear, lance, q. v.), אשׁר ביד (ךׅ ׳נטה בַּכּ Josh 8:18 (twice in verse), compare vJosh 8:26 ׳רַעַשׁ כּ Job 41:21 the rushing sound of a dart; בְּהֶרֶב ׳וּבַחֲנִית וּבְכ 1Sam 17:45 (weapons of Goliath), ׳כ נְחשֶׁת בֵּין כְּתֵפָיו v1Sam 17:6 (חֲנִית in v1Sam 17:7); + חֲנִית Job 39:23 also; ׳קֶשֶׁת וְכ Jer 6:23; Jer 50:42.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer