BDB3052 [H2701 H2702]

חֲצַר סוּסָה, סוּסִים ׳ח proper name, of a location (compare Kefr Susê, 'Rossdorf,' close to Damascus on the south, ZMG, 1875, xxix. 476) — in Simeon סוסה ׳ח Josh 19:5 ᵐ5 Σαρσουσειμ, ᵐ5L Ασαρσουσιν = סוסים ׳ח 1Chr 4:31, ᵐ5 Ἡμισυσεσοραμ, ᵐ5L Ασερσουσι.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer