II. בַּת noun masculine[Ezek 45:14] (feminine[Isa 5:10]) bath (Thes and others from above √ in sense of define, measure; compare τέμνω; LagOr. ii. 10 f. makes = בדת, = בד + feminine ת; compare Syriac , instrument for pressing olives; compare Epiphanius βάδος = ἐλαιοτριβεῖον; & βάδος also Hesychius JosAnt. «JOSEPHUS:Antiquities 8:2»viii. 2. 9 but ed. Niese βάτους, βάτος — ׳בּ absolute [Isa 5:10] + 6 t.; (בָּ֑ת [Ezek 45:11]) construct [Ezek 45:10] plural בַּתִּים [2Chr 2:9] (twice in verse) + 3 t.; — a liquid measure = אֵיפָה of dry measure, each being 1/10 חֹמֶר (q. v.) [Ezek 45:11] (twice in verse); [Ezek 45:14] (twice in verse); also [Isa 5:10]; [1Kgs 7:26]; [1Kgs 7:38]; [2Chr 2:9] (twice in verse); [2Chr 4:5] + [Ezek 45:14] (twice in verse) (4 t. in this see, Co strike out a & d). [Ezek 45:10] בַּתצֶֿדֶק a righteous (right, accurate, full) bath (|| אֵיפַתצֶֿדֶק). The actual size of bath (= ephah) is apparentlyapproximately 40 litres (= Attic metretes compare JosAnt. «JOSEPHUS:Antiquities 8:2»viii. 2. 9; = 39.39 lit. compare BoeckhMetrol. Untersuch. 259 f.; see also J. BrandisMünz- Mass- u. Gewichtswesen 29 f. SmithDict. Bible, article Weights & Measures RiHWB 934 f.). — 1. בַּת see below בֵּן.
The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
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Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer