Romans 2:15-23

AUV(i) 15 In doing this [i.e., practicing some of the requirements of the law of Moses], they demonstrate that these requirements are written in their hearts. Their conscience tells them this, and their thoughts alternately accuse them [of wrongdoing], or else endorse them [for doing right]). 16 This will be done on the day when God judges the secrets of men’s [hearts] through Christ Jesus, according to [the teaching of] my Gospel. 17 But if you call yourselves “Jews,” and [claim to] rely on the law of Moses, and brag about [belonging to] God; 18 if you know His will and have been taught by the law of Moses to [evaluate and] give approval to what is best; 19 if you are confident that you can give [spiritual] guidance to blind people and enlightenment to those who are in [spiritual] darkness; 20 if you are instructors of the ignorant, and teachers of babies [i.e., immature people] and possess in the law of Moses the [correct] form of knowledge and truth --- 21 since you teach other people [all of this], why do you not teach yourselves [these things]? You preach that a person should not steal, [but] do you steal? 22 You say that a person should not commit adultery [i.e., sexual unfaithfulness to their mate], [but] do you commit adultery? You [claim to] hate idols, [but] do you rob [their] temples? [Note: It is difficult to determine how the Jews were doing this. Perhaps they were guilty of the “spirit” of idolatry by devoting their efforts and affections to material things instead of to God]. 23 You boast about having the law of Moses, [but] do you dishonor God by breaking that law?