Romans 12:16-21

AUV(i) 16 Have the same [good] thoughts toward one another. Do not [always] be thinking you are a “bigshot,” but lower yourself to accept humble tasks [or, humble people]. Do not think you are so smart. 17 Do not [try to] pay back a wrong done to you by doing something wrong to the other person. Think about how to live honorably in front of all people. 18 If it is at all possible, as far as your part is concerned, live peacefully with all people. 19 Do not take revenge on someone who has wronged you, but leave it up to God’s wrath [to take care of it], for it is written [Deut. 22:35], “The Lord says, I will pay people back [for doing wrong] because taking revenge belongs to me.” 20 But [Prov. 25:21-25 says], “Feed your enemy if he is hungry; give him something to drink if he is thirsty. For when you do this, it will be [like] heaping burning coals on his head.” [i.e., it can cause him burning shame that can lead to his repentance and ultimate forgiveness]. 21 [So], do not be conquered by evil, but [instead] conquer evil by doing good.