11 “And the [wholesale] merchants of the earth cry and mourn over her, for no one buys their cargoes [of goods] anymore:
12 goods made of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, expensive linen, purple [cloth], silk and scarlet [cloth]. [No one buys their] scented wood products, their articles made from ivory and expensive woods [i.e., furniture], their articles of brass, iron and marble.
13 [No one buys their] cinnamon, spices, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, [olive] oil, flour and wheat. [No one buys their] cattle, sheep, horses, wagons, or the bodies and souls [i.e., the very lives] of people [i.e., slaves used for all purposes].
14 “The [late summer] fruit that you [i.e., the people of Babylon] longed for is gone from you, and all of your luxurious and glamorous things have vanished from you, never to be found again.
15 The store owners who sold these things and were made wealthy from her [i.e., from the prosperous trade with Babylon] will stand far away, out of fear over her [See verse 10], crying and mourning,
16 saying, ‘It is too bad for the great city that was dressed in expensive linen and purple and scarlet [clothing], and that was adorned with gold, precious stones and pearl [jewelry]!
17 For in a single hour [all] such great wealth was wasted.’ Then all the ships’ captains [Note: This word is literally “pilots”], passengers, crewmen and others who work in the maritime shipping industry stood at a distance
18 and called out as they watched the smoke of the burning [city], ‘What city was ever as great as this one?’