2 Corinthians 10:2-6

AUV(i) 2 I make this request so that I do not have to be bold when I am present [with you], and feel compelled to speak in an authoritative tone to some people [there] who think we are living by worldly standards. 3 For although we live in the world [i.e., in a human body], we do not wage war [i.e., for God and against evil] on a worldly level [i.e., by using the tactics of unsaved people]. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not like the world’s [i.e., which rely on human ingenuity and unspiritual principles], but they are empowered by God to overthrow [Satanic] fortifications. 5 We overthrow [vain] reasonings and every lofty idea raised against the knowledge of God [i.e., as revealed through the Gospel], and take captive [our] every thought to [make it] obey Christ. 6 [And we are] prepared to punish all disobedience when your obedience is complete. [Note: This probably refers to the Corinthian church dealing with its unrepentant member. See I Cor. 5:3-5].