15 Do you not know that your [physical] bodies are parts of [the spiritual body of] Christ? So, shall I take away parts of Christ’s [spiritual] body and join them to a prostitute’s body? Certainly not!
16 Or, do you not know that the person who is joined to a prostitute is one body [with her, physically]? For God says [Gen. 2:24], “The two will become one flesh” [i.e., united in such a close relationship as to practically constitute one body].
17 But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit [with Him]. [Note: Just as the person who has sex with someone enters a close physical union with that person, so the person who becomes a Christian enters a close spiritual union with Christ].
18 Stay away from [any involvement in] sexual immorality. Every sin a person commits is outside [the realm] of his body; but the one who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. [Note: Possibly this means that sex, because it requires the deepest and most complete commitment of human involvement, becomes a unique sin when its true purpose and expression are violated].