Bible verses about "polygamy" | Wycliffe

Genesis 30:9

9 Lya feelide that sche ceesside to bere child, and sche yaf Selfa, hir handmayde, to the hosebonde.

Genesis 30:4

4 And sche yaf to hym Bala in to matrimony;

Numbers 12:1

1 And Marie spak and Aaron ayens Moises, for his wijf a womman of Ethiope,

Deuteronomy 25:5-10

5 Whanne britheren dwellen to gidere, and oon of hem is deed with out fre children, the wijf of the deed brother schal not be weddid to anothir man, but his brothir schal take hir, and schal reise seed of his brother. 6 And he schal clepe the firste gendrid sone `of hir bi the name `of hym, `that is, of the deed brothir, that his name be not don awei fro Israel. 7 Forsothe if he nyle take the wijf of his brother, which is due to hym bi lawe, the womman schal go to the yate of the citee; and sche schal axe the grettere men in birthe, and sche schal seie, `The brother of myn hosebonde nyle reise seed of his brother in Israel, nethir wole take me in to mariage. 8 And anoon thei schulen make hym to be clepid, and thei schulen axe. If he answerith, Y nyle take hir to wijf; 9 the womman schal go to hym bifor the eldre men of Israel, and sche schal take awei the schoo, and sche schal spete in to his face, and schal seie, So it schal be doon to the man, that bildith not `the hows of his brother; 10 and `the name of hym schal be clepid in Israel, The hows of the man vnschood.

Deuteronomy 17:14-20

14 Whanne thou hast entrid in to the lond, which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, and weldist it, and dwellist therynne, and seist, Y schal ordeyne a kyng on me, as alle naciouns `bi cumpas han; 15 thou schalt ordeyne hym, whom thi Lord God chesith of the noumbre of thi brethren. Thou schalt not mow make king a man of anothir folk, which man is not thi brother. 16 And whanne the king is ordeyned, he schal not multiplie horsis to hym, nethir he schal lede ayen the puple in to Egipt, nethir he schal be reisid bi the noumbre of knyytis, moost sithen the Lord comaundide to you, that ye turne no more ayen bi the same weie. 17 The kyng schal not haue ful many wyues, that drawen his soule `to ouer myche fleischlynesse, nether `he schal haue grete burthuns of siluer and of gold. 18 Forsothe after that he hath sete in the trone of his rewme, he schal write to himsilf the deuteronomy of this lawe in a `volym ether book, and he schal take `a saumpler at preestis of `the kyn of Leuy; 19 and he schal haue it with hym, and he schal rede it in alle the daies of his lijf, that he lerne to drede his Lord God, and to kepe hise wordis and cerymonyes, that ben comaundid in the lawe; 20 nether his herte be reisid in to pride on hise brithren, nether bowe he in to the riyt side, ether left side, that he regne long tyme, he and hise sones on Israel.

2 Samuel 5:13

13 Therfor Dauid took yit concubyns, and wyues of Jerusalem, after that he cam fro Ebron; and also othere sones and douytris weren borun to Dauid.

1 Samuel 1:1-2

1 `A man was of `Ramathym of Sophym, of the hil of Effraym, and his name was Elchana, the sone of Jeroboam, sone of Elyud, sone of Thau, sone of Suph, of Effraym. 2 And Helchana hadde twei wyues; the name `to oon was Anna, and the `name of the secounde was Fenenna; and sones weren to Feuenna; forsothe fre children `weren not to Anna.

1 Kings 11:1-4

1 Forsothe kyng Salomon louyde brennyngli many alien wymmen, and the douytir of Pharao, and wymmen of Moab, and Amonytis, and Ydumeis, and Sydoneis, and Etheis; 2 of the folkis of whiche the Lord seide to the sones of Israel, Ye schulen not entre to tho folkis, nether ony of hem schulen entre to you; for most certeynli thei schulen turne awei youre hertis, that ye sue the goddis of hem. Therfor kyng Salomon was couplid to these wymmen, bi moost brennyng loue. 3 And wyues as queenys weren seuene hundrid to hym, and thre hundrid secundarie wyues; and the wymmen turneden awey his herte. 4 And whanne he was thanne eld, his herte was bischrewid bi wymmen, that he suede alien goddis; and his herte was not perfit with his Lord God, as the herte of Dauid, his fadir, `was perfit.

1 Chronicles 4:5

5 Sotheli Assur, the fadir of Thecue, hadde twei wyues, Haala, and Naara;

2 Chronicles 24:3

3 Sotheli and Joas took twei wyues, of whyche he gendride sones and douytris.

Song of Songs 6:8

8 Oon is my culuer, my perfit spousesse, oon is to hir modir, and is the chosun of hir modir; the douytris of Syon sien hir, and prechiden hir moost blessid; queenys, and secundarie wyues preisiden hir.

Ezekiel 23:1-4

1 And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2 and he seide, Thou, sone of man, twei wymmen weren the douytris of o modir, and diden fornycacioun in Egipt; 3 in her yonge wexynge age thei diden fornicacioun; there the brestis of hem weren maad low, and the tetis of the tyme of mariage of hem weren brokun. 4 Forsothe the names of hem ben, Oolla, the more sistir, and Ooliba the lesse sistir of hir. And Y hadde hem, and thei childiden sones and douytris; certis the names of hem ben Samarie Oolla, and Jerusalem Ooliba.

1 Corinthians 7:1-5

1 But of thilke thingis that ye han write to me, it is good to a man to touche not a womman. 2 But for fornycacioun eche man haue his owne wijf, and ech womman haue hir owne hosebonde. 3 The hosebonde yelde dette to the wijf, and also the wijf to the hosebonde. 4 The womman hath not power of hir bodi, but the hosebonde; and the hosebonde hath not power of his bodi, but the womman. 5 Nyle ye defraude eche to othere, but perauenture of consent to a tyme, that ye yyue tent to preier; and eft turne ye ayen to the same thing, lest Sathanas tempte you for youre vncontynence.

Titus 1:5-8

5 For cause of this thing Y lefte thee at Crete, that thou amende tho thingis that failen, and ordeyne preestis bi citees, as also Y disposide to thee. 6 If ony man is withoute cryme, an hosebonde of o wijf, and hath feithful sones, not in accusacioun of letcherie, or not suget. 7 For it bihoueth a bischop to be without cryme, a dispendour of God, not proud, not wrathful, not drunkelew, not smytere, not coueytouse of foul wynnyng; 8 but holdinge hospitalite, benygne, prudent, sobre, iust,

Genesis 4:19

19 that took twei wyues, the name to o wijf was Ada, and the name to the tother was Sella.

Judges 8:30

30 and he hadde seuenti sones, that yeden out of his thiy, for he hadde many wyues.

2 Chronicles 13:21

21 Therfor Abia, whanne his empire was coumforted, took fourtene wyues, and he gendride two and twenti sones, and sixtene douytris.

1 Chronicles 3:1-9

1 Forsothe Dauid hadde these sones, that weren borun to hym in Ebron; the firste gendrid sone, Amon, of Achynoem of Jezrael; the secounde sone, Danyel, of Abigail of Carmele; 2 the thridde, Absolon, the sone of Maacha, douyter of Tolomei, kyng of Gessuri; the fourthe, Adonye, sone of Agith; 3 the fyuethe, Saphacie, of Abithal; the sixte, Jethraan, of Egla his wijf. 4 Therfor sixe sones weren borun to hym in Ebron, where he regnede seuene yeer and sixe monethis; sotheli he regnyde thre and thritti yeer in Jerusalem. 5 Forsothe foure sones, Sama, and Sobab, and Nathan, and Salomon, weren borun of Bersabee, the douyter of Amyhel, to hym in Jerusalem; 6 also Jabaar, and Elisama, and Eliphalech, 7 and Noge, and Napheth, and Japhie, 8 also and Elisama, and Eliade, and Eliphalech, nyne. 9 Alle these weren the sones of David, with out the sones of secoundarie wyues; and thei hadden a sistir, Thamar.

2 Chronicles 11:21

21 Forsothe Roboam louyde Maacha, the douytir of Abissalon, aboue alle hise wyues and secundarie wyues. Forsothe he hadde weddid eiytene wyues, sotheli sixti secundarie wyues; and he gendride eiyte and twenti sones, and sixti douytris.

2 Samuel 12:8

8 and Y yaf to thee the hows of thi lord, and the wyues of thi lord in thi bosum, and Y yaf to thee the hows of Israel, and of Juda; and if these thingis ben litil, Y schal adde to thee myche grettere thingis.

Deuteronomy 21:15-17

15 If a man hath twey wyues, oon loued, and `the tothir hateful, and he gendrith of hir fre children, and the sone of the hateful wijf is the firste gendrid, 16 and the man wole departe the catel bitwixe hise sones, he schal not mowe make the sone of the loued wijf the firste gendrid, and sette bifor the sone of the hateful wijf, 17 but he schal knowe the sone of the hateful wijf the firste gendrid, and he schal yyue to that sone alle thingis double of tho thingis that he hath; for this sone is the begynnyng of his fre children, and the firste gendrid thingis ben due to hym.

2 Chronicles 24:1-3

1 Joas was of seuene yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde fourti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Sebia of Bersabee. 2 And he dide that, that was good bifor the Lord, in alle the daies of Joiada, the preest. 3 Sotheli and Joas took twei wyues, of whyche he gendride sones and douytris.

Isaiah 4:1

1 And seuene wymmen schulen catche o man in that dai, and schulen seie, We schulen ete oure breed, and we schulen be hilid with oure clothis; oneli thi name be clepid on vs, do thou awei oure schenschip.

Matthew 25:1-46

1 Thanne the kyngdoom of heuenes schal be lijk to ten virgyns, whiche token her laumpis, and wenten out ayens the hosebonde and the wijf; 2 and fyue of hem weren foolis, and fyue prudent. 3 But the fyue foolis token her laumpis, and token not oile with hem; 4 but the prudent token oile in her vessels with the laumpis. 5 And whilis the hosebonde tariede, alle thei nappiden and slepten. 6 But at mydnyyt a cryy was maad, Lo! the spouse cometh, go ye oute to mete with him. 7 Thanne alle tho virgyns risen vp, and araieden her laumpis. 8 And the foolis seiden to the wise, Yyue ye to vs of youre oile, for oure laumpis ben quenchid. 9 The prudent answeriden, and seiden, Lest perauenture it suffice not to vs and to you, go ye rather to men that sellen, and bie to you. 10 And while thei wenten for to bie, the spouse cam; and tho that weren redi, entreden with him to the weddyngis; and the yate was schit. 11 And at the last the othere virgyns camen, and seiden, Lord, lord, opene to vs. 12 And he answeride, and seide, Treuli Y seie to you, Y knowe you not. 13 Therfor wake ye, for ye witen not the dai ne the our. 14 For as a man that goith in pilgrimage, clepide hise seruauntis, and bitook to hem hise goodis; 15 and to oon he yaf fyue talentis, and to another tweyne, and to another oon, to ech after his owne vertu; and wente forth anoon. 16 And he that hadde fyue besauntis, wente forth, and wrouyte in hem, and wan othere fyue. 17 Also and he that hadde takun tweyne, wan othere tweyne. 18 But he that hadde takun oon, yede forth, and dalf in to the erthe, and hidde the money of his lord. 19 But after long tyme, the lord of tho seruauntis cam, and rekenede with hem. 20 And he that hadde takun fyue besauntis, cam, and brouyte othere fyue, and seide, Lord, thou bytokist to me fyue besauntis, loo! Y haue getun aboue fyue othere. 21 His lord seide to hym, Wel be thou, good seruaunt and feithful; for on fewe thingis thou hast be trewe, Y schal ordeyne thee on manye thingis; entre thou in to the ioye of thi lord. 22 And he that hadde takun twey talentis, cam, and seide, Lord, thou bitokist to me twey besauntis; loo! 23 Y haue wonnen ouer othir tweyne. His lord seide to him, Wel be thou, good seruaunt and trewe; for on fewe thingis thou hast be trewe, Y schal ordeyne thee on many thingis; entre thou in to the ioie of thi lord. 24 But he that hadde takun o besaunt, cam, and seide, Lord, Y woot that thou art an hard man; thou repist where thou hast not sowe, and thou gederist togidere where thou hast not spred abrood; 25 and Y dredynge wente, and hidde thi besaunt in the erthe; lo! thou hast that that is thin. 26 His lord answeride, and seide to hym, Yuel seruaunt and slowe, wistist thou that Y repe where Y sewe not, and gadir to gidere where Y spredde not abrood? 27 Therfor it bihofte thee to bitake my money to chaungeris, that whanne Y cam, Y schulde resseyue that that is myn with vsuris. 28 Therfor take awei fro hym the besaunt, and yyue ye to hym that hath ten besauntis. 29 For to euery man that hath me schal yyue, and he schal encreese; but fro hym that hath not, also that that hym semeth to haue, schal be taken awey fro him. 30 And caste ye out the vnprofitable seruaunt in to vtmer derknessis; ther schal be wepyng, and gryntyng of teeth. 31 Whanne mannus sone schal come in his maieste, and alle hise aungels with hym, thanne he schal sitte on the sege of his maieste; 32 and alle folkis schulen be gaderid bifor hym, 33 and he schal departe hem atwynne, as a scheeperde departith scheep from kidis; and he schal sette the scheep on his riythalf, and the kidis on the lefthalf. 34 Thanne the kyng schal seie to hem, that schulen be on his riythalf, Come ye, the blessid of my fadir, take ye in possessioun the kyngdoom maad redi to you fro the makyng of the world. 35 For Y hungride, and ye yauen me to ete; Y thristide, and ye yauen me to drynke; Y was herboreles, and ye herboriden me; 36 nakid, and ye hiliden me; sijk, and ye visitiden me; Y was in prisoun, and ye camen to me. 37 Thanne iust men schulen answere to hym, and seie, Lord, whanne siyen we thee hungry, and we fedden thee; thristi, and we yauen to thee drynk? 38 and whanne sayn we thee herborles, and we herboreden thee; or nakid, and we hiliden thee? 39 or whanne sayn we thee sijk, or in prisoun, and we camen to thee? 40 And the kyng answerynge schal seie to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, as longe as ye diden to oon of these my leeste britheren, ye diden to me. 41 Thanne the kyng schal seie also to hem, that schulen be on his lefthalf, Departe fro me, ye cursid, in to euerlastynge fijr, that is maad redi to the deuel and hise aungels. 42 For Y hungride, and ye yauen not me to ete; Y thristide, and ye yauen not me to drynke; 43 Y was herborles, and ye herberden not me; nakid, and ye keuerden not me; sijk, and in prisoun, and ye visitiden not me. 44 Thanne and thei schulen answere to hym, and schulen seie, Lord, whanne sayn we thee hungrynge, or thristynge, or herboreles, or nakid, or sijk, or in prisoun, and we serueden not to thee? 45 Thanne he schal answere to hem, and seie, Treuli Y seie to you, `hou longe ye diden not to oon of these leeste, nether ye diden to me. 46 And these schulen goo in to euerlastynge turment; but the iust men schulen go in to euerlastynge lijf.

Exodus 21:10

10 that if he takith another womman to hym, he schal puruey to the damysele weddingis, and clothis, and he schal not denye the prijs of chastite.

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