Bible verses about "values" | Tyndale

Matthew 7:12

12 Enter in at the strayte gate: for wyde is ye gate and broade is the waye that leadeth to destruccion: and many ther be which goo yn therat.

Matthew 7:1-5

1 For as ye iudge so shall ye be iudged. And wt what mesure ye mete wt the same shall it be mesured to you agayne. 2 Why seist thou a moote in thy brothers eye and perceavest not the beame yt ys yn thyne awne eye. 3 Or why sayest thou to thy brother: suffre me to plucke oute the moote oute of thyne eye and behold a beame is in thyne awne eye. 4 Ypocryte fyrst cast oute the beame oute of thyne awne eye and then shalte thou se clearly to plucke oute the moote out of thy brothers eye. 5 Geve not that which is holy to dogges nether cast ye youre pearles before swyne lest they treade them vnder their fete and ye other tourne agayne and all to rent you.

Luke 15:8

8 Ether what woman havynge .x. grotes yf she loose one doth not lyght a candell and swepe ye housse and seke diligently tyll she fynde it?

Luke 6:32-42

32 If ye love the which love you: what thanke are ye worthy of? For the very synners love their lovers. 33 And yf ye do for them which do for you: what thanke are ye worthy of? For the very synners do even the same. 34 If ye lende to them of whome ye hoope to receave: what thanke shall ye have: for the very synners lende to synners to receave as moch agayne. 35 Wherfore love ye youre enemys do good and lende lokynge for nothinge agayne and youre rewarde shalbe greate and ye shalbe the chyldren of the hyest: for he is kynde vnto the vnkynde and to the evyll. 36 Be ye therfore mercifull as youre father is mercifull. 37 Iudge not and ye shall not be Iudged. Condemne not: and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve and ye shalbe forgeven. 38 Geve and yt shalbe geven vnto you: good measure pressed doune shaken to geder and runnynge over shall men geve into youre bosomes. For with what measure ye mete with ye same shall men mete to you agayne. 39 And he put forthe a similitude vnto the: Can the blynde leade ye blynde? Do they not both then fall into ye dyche? 40 The disciple is not above his master. Every ma shalbe perfecte even as his master is. 41 Why seyst thou a moote in thy brothers eye considerest not ye beame yt is in thyne awne eye? 42 Ether how canest thou saye to thy brother: Brother let me pull out ye moote that is in thyne eye: when thou perceavest not the beame that is in thyne awne eye? Ypocrite cast out ye beame out of thyne awne eye fyrst and then shalt thou se perfectly to pull out the moote out of thy brothers eye.

Mark 11:25

25 And when ye stod and praye forgeve yf ye have eny thinge agaynste eny man yt youre father also which is in heve maye forgeve you youre trespases.

Hebrews 13:5

5 Let youre conversacion be with out coveteousnes and be contet with that ye have all redy. For he verely sayd: I will not fayle the nether forsake the:

Galatians 6:7-8

7 7. Be not deceaved God is not mocked. For what soever a man soweth yt shall he reepe. 8 He that soweth in his flesshe shall of ye flesshe reepe corrupcio. But he yt soweth in ye sprete shall of the sprete reepe lyfe everlastinge.

James 1:19-20

19 Wherfore deare brethren let every man be swyfte to heare slowe to speake and slowe to wrath. 20 For the wrath of man worketh not that which is ryghteous before God.

James 2:14-24

14 What a vayleth it my brethren though a man saye he hath sayth when he hath no dedes? Can fayth save him? 15 If a brother or a sister be naked or destitute of dayly fode 16 and one of you saye vnto them: Departe in peace God sende you warmnes and fode: not withstondinge ye geve the not tho thynges which are nedfull to the body: what helpeth it the? 17 Eve so fayth yf it have no dedes is deed in it selfe. 18 Ye and a man myght saye: Thou hast fayth and I have dedes: Shewe me thy fayth by thy dedes: and I will shewe the my fayth by my dedes. 19 Belevest thou yt ther is one God? Thou doest well. The devyls also beleve and tremble. 20 Wilt thou vnderstonde o thou vayne man that fayth with out dedes is deed? 21 Was not Abraha oure father iustified thorow workes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpo the aultre? 22 Thou seist how that fayth wrought with his dedes and through the dedes was the fayth made parfect: 23 and ye scripture was fulfilled which sayth: Abraham beleved God and it was reputed vnto him for rightewesnes: and he was called the frede of God. 24 Ye se then how that of dedes a man is iustified and not of fayth only.

Hebrews 13:18

18 Praye for vs. We have confidence because we have a good conscience in all thynges and desyre to live honestly.

Acts 20:35

35 I have shewed you all thinges how that so laborynge ye ought to receave the weake and to remember the wordes of the Lorde Iesu howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve then to receave.

Luke 6:31

31 And as ye wolde that men shuld doo to you: so do ye to them lyke wyse.

James 1:22-27

22 And se that ye be doars of the worde and not hearers only deceavinge youre awne selves with sophistrie 23 For yf eny heare the worde and do it not he is lyke vnto a man that beholdeth his bodyly face in a glasse. 24 For assone as he hath loked on him silfe he goeth his waye and forgetteth immediatlie what his fassion was. 25 But who so loketh in the parfaict lawe of libertie and continueth ther in (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer but a doar of ye worke) the same shall be happie in his dede. 26 Yf eny man amonge you seme devoute and refrayne not his tonge: but deceave his awne herte this mannes devocion is in vayne 27 Pure devocion and vndefiled before God the father is this: to vysit the frendlesse and widdowes in their adversite and to kepe him silfe vnspotted of the worlde.

Matthew 6:24

24 Therfore I saye vnto you be not carefull for your lyfe what ye shall eate or what ye shall drincke nor yet for youre body what ye shall put on. ys not ye lyfe more worth then meate and the body more of value then raymeut?

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