Bible verses about "revelation" | Tyndale

Exodus 6:1-3

1 Then the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Now shalt thou see what I will doo vnto Pharao, for with a myghtie hande shall he let them goo, and with a mightye hande shall he dryue them out of hys lande. 2 And God spake vnto Moses sayng vnto him: I am the Lorde, 3 and I appeared vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob an allmightie God: but in my name Iehouah was I not knowne vnto them.

Matthew 6:10

10 Geve vs this daye oure dayly breede.

Ephesians 1:17-19

17 that ye God of oure lorde Iesus Christ and the father of glory myght geve vnto you the sprete of wisdome and open to you the knowledge of him silfe 18 and lighten the eyes of youre myndes yt ye myght knowe what that hope is where vnto he hath called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is apon the sainctes 19 and what is the excedynge greatnes of his power to vs warde which beleve accordynge to the workynge of that his mighty power

Exodus 20:1-26

1 And God spake all these wordes ad saide: 2 I am the Lorde thy God, which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte ad out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my syght. 4 Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage, nether any symilitude that is in heauen aboue, ether in the erth beneth, or in the water that ys beneth the erth. 5 Se that thou nether bowe thy sylf vnto them nether serue them: for I the Lorde thy God, am a gelouse God, and viset the synne of the fathers vppon the childern vnto the third and fourth generacion of the that hate me: 6 and yet shewe mercie vnto thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne, for the Lord wil not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne. 8 Remebre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it. 9 Sixe dayes mayst thou laboure ad do al that thou hast to doo: 10 but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God, in it thou shalt do no maner worke: nether thou nor thy sonne, nor thy doughter, nether thy manservaunte nor thy maydeservaunte, nether thy catell nether yet the straunger that is within thi gates 11 For in sixe dayes the Lorde made both heauen and erth and the see and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye: wherfore the Lorde blessed the Sabbath daye and halowed it. 12 Honoure thy father ad thy mother, that thy dayes may be loge in the lode which the Lorde thy God geueth the. 13 Thou shalt not kyll. 14 Thou shalt not breake wedlocke. 15 Thou shalt not steale. 16 Thou shalt bere no false witnesse agest thy neghboure 17 Thou shalt not couet thy neghbours housse: nether shalt couet thy neghbours wife, his maservaunte, his mayde, his oxe, his asse or oughte that is his. 18 And all the people sawe the thunder ad the lyghteninge and the noyse of the horne, ad howe the mountayne smoked. And whe the people sawe it, they remoued ad stode a ferre of 19 ad saide vnto Moses: talke thou with vs and we wil heare: but let not god talke with vs, lest we dye. 20 And Moses sayde vnto the people feare not, for God is come to proue you, and that his feare maye be amonge you that ye synne not. 21 And the people stode aferre of, ad Moses went in to the thicke clowde where God was 22 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: thus thou shalt saye vnto the childern of Israel: Ye haue sene how that I haue talked with you from out of heauen. 23 Ye shal not make therfore with me goddes of syluer nor goddes of golde: in no wyse shall ye do it. 24 An alter of erth thou shalt make vnto me ad there on offer thy burntofferinges ad thy peaceoffringes, and thy shepe ad thine oxen. And in all places where I shall put the remebraunce of my name, thither I will come vnto the and blesse the. 25 But and yf thou wilt make me an alter off stone, se thou make it not of hewed stone, for yf thou lyfte vp thy tole vpon it, thou shalt polute it. 26 Moreouer thou shalt not goo vp wyth steppes vnto myne alter, that thy nakednesse be not shewed there on.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

16 For the Lorde him selfe shall descende fro heve with a showte and the voyce of the archangell and trompe of God. And the deed in Christe shall aryse fyrst: 17 then shall we which live and remayne be caught vp with them also in the cloudes to mete the Lorde in ye ayer. And so shall we ever be with the Lorde.

Revelation 1:8

8 I am Alpha and Omega the begynninge and the endinge sayth the Lorde almyghty which is and which was and which is to come.

John 14:6

6 Iesus sayd vnto him: I am ye waye ye truthe and ye life. And no man cometh vnto the father but by me.

Hebrews 1:1

1 God in tyme past diversly and many wayes spake vnto the fathers by Prophetes:

Revelation 13:1-18

1 And I sawe a best rise out of the see havinge vii. heddes and x. hornes and apon hys hornes x. crownes and apon his heed the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I sawe was lyke a catt of the mountayne and his fete were as the fete of a bear and his mouth as the mouthe of a lyon. And the dragon gave him his power and his seate and grett auctorite: 3 and I sawe one of his heedes as it were wouded to deth and his dedly woude was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beast 4 and they worshipped ye drago which gave power vnto the beest and they worshipped the beest sayinge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with him? 5 And ther was a mouth geve vnto him that spake great thinges and blasphemies and power was geve vnto him to do xlii. Monethes 6 And he opened his mowth vnto blasphemy agaynst God to blaspheme hys name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heven. 7 And it was geven vnto him to make warre with the saynctes and to overcome them. And power was geven him over all kynred tonge and nacion: 8 and all that dwell apon the erth worshipt him: whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe which was kylled from the begynnynge of the worlde. 9 Yf eny man have an eare lett him heare. 10 He that leadeth into captivite shall goo into captivite: he that kylleth with a swearde must be kylled with a swearde. Heare is the pacience and the fayth of the saynctes. 11 And I behelde another best commynge vp oute of the erth and he had two hornes like a lambe and he spake as dyd the dragon. 12 And he dyd all that the fyrste beest coulde do in his presence and he caused the erth and them which dwell therin to worshippe the fyrst beest whose dedly woude was healed. 13 And he dyd grett wonders so that he made fyre come doune from heven in the syght of men. 14 And deceaved them that dwelt on the erth by the meanes of those signes which he had power to doo in the sight of the beest sayinge to the that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beest which had the woude of a swearde and dyd lyve. 15 And he had power to geve a sprete vnto the ymage of the beest and that the ymage of the beest shuld speake and shuld cause that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beest shuld be kylled. 16 And he made all bothe smale and grett ryche and poore fre and bond to receave a marke in their right hondes or in their forheddes. 17 And that no ma myght by or sell save he that had the marke or the name of the beest other the nombre of his name. 18 Here is wisdome. Let him that hath wytt count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man and his nombre is sixe hondred threscore and sixe.

Matthew 16:17

17 And Iesus answered and sayde to him: happy arte thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for fleshe and bloud hath not opened vnto the yt but my father which is in heve.

Matthew 5:8

8 Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God.

Revelation 1:1-20

1 The reuelacion of Iesus Christe which god gave vnto him for to shewe vnto his servauntes thinges which muste shortly come to passe. And he sent and shewed by his angell vnto his servaunt Ihon 2 which bare recorde of the worde of god and of the testimony of Iesus Christe and of all thinges yt he sawe. 3 Happy is he that redith and they that heare the wordes of the prophesy and kepe thoo thinges which are written therin. For the tyme is at honde. 4 Ihon to the .vii. congregacios in Asia. Grace be with you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the .vii. spretes which are present before his trone 5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faythfull witnes and fyrst begotte of the deed: and Lorde over the kinges of the erth. Vnto him that loved vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud 6 and made vs kinges and Prestes vnto God his father be glory and dominion for ever more. Amen. 7 Beholde he commeth with cloudes and all eyes shall se him: and they also which peersed him. And all kinredes of ye erth shall wayle. Even so. Amen. 8 I am Alpha and Omega the begynninge and the endinge sayth the Lorde almyghty which is and which was and which is to come. 9 9I Ihon youre brother and companyon in tribulacion and in the kyngdom and pacience which is in Iesu Christe was in the yle of Pathmos for the worde of god and for ye witnessynge of Iesu Christe. 10 I was in the sprete on a sondaye and herde behynde me a gret voyce as it had bene of a trompe 11 sayinge: I am Alpha and Omega the fyrst and the laste. That thou seist write in a boke and sende it vnto the congregacions which are in Asia vnto Ephesus and vnto Smyrna and vnto Pargamos and vnto Thiatira and vnto Sardis and vnto Philadelphia and vnto Laodicia. 12 And I turned backe to se the voyce that spake to me. And when I was turned: I sawe .vii golde candelstyckes 13 and in the myddes of the cadelstyckes one lyke vnto ye sone of ma clothed with a lynnen garmet doune to the ground and gyrd aboute the pappes with a golden gyrdle 14 His heed and his heares were whyte as whyte woll and as snowe: and his eyes were as a flame of fyre: 15 and his fete lyke vnto brasse as though they brent in a fornace: and his voyce as the sounde of many waters. 16 And he had in his right honde vii. starres. And out of his mouth wet a sharpe twoo edged swearde. And his face shone eve as the sonne in his strength. 17 And when I sawe him I fell at his fete even as deed. And he layde hys ryght honde apon me sayinge vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst and the laste 18 and am alyve and was deed. And beholde I am alyve for ever more and have the kayes of hell and of deeth. 19 wryte therfore the thynges which thou haste sene and the thynges which are and the thynges which shalbe fulfylled hereafter: 20 and ye mystery of the vii. starres which thou sawest in my ryght honde and the vii. golden candelstyckes. The vii. stares are the messengers of the vii. congregacios: And the vii. candlestyckes which thou sawest are the vii. congregacions.

Revelation 19:6-8

6 And I herde the voyce of moche people eve as the voyce of many waters and as the voyce of stronge thondrynges sayinge: Alleluya for god omnipotent raigneth. 7 Let vs be glad and reioyce and geve honour to him: for the mariage of the lambe is come and hys wyffe made her sylfe reddy. 8 And to her was graunted that she shulde be arayed with pure and goodly raynes. For the raynes is the ryghtewesnes of saynctes.

Revelation 10:1-11

1 And I sawe another myghtye angell come doune from heven clothed with a cloude and the rayne bowe apon his heed. And hys face as it were the sunne and his fete as yt were pyllars of fyre 2 and he had in his honde a lytell boke opyn: and he put his ryght fote apon the see and his lyfte fote on the erth. 3 And cryed with a lowde voyce as when a lyon roreth. And when he had cryed seven thondres spake their voyces. 4 And whe the vii. thondres had spoken their voyces I was aboute to wryte. And I herde a voyce from heven sayinge vnto me seale vp thoo thynges which the vii. thondres spake and write them not. 5 And the angell which I sawe stonde apon the see and apon the erth lyfte vppe his honde to heven 6 and swore by him that liveth for ever more which created heven and the thynges that ther in are and the see and the thynges which therin are: that there shulde be no lenger tyme: 7 but in the dayes of the voyce of the seventh angell when he shall begyn to blowe: eve the mistery of god shalbe fynisshed as he preached by his servauntes ye prophetes. 8 And the voyce which I herde from heven spake vnto me agayne and sayde: goo and take the lytle boke which ys open in the honde of the angell which stondeth apon the see and apon the erth. 9 And I went vnto the angell and sayde to him: geve me the lytle boke and he sayd vnto me: take it and eate it vp and it shall make thy belly bytter but it shalbe in thy mouth as swete as hony. 10 and I toke the lytle boke out of his honde and ate it vp and it was in my mouth as swete as hony and as sone as I had eate it my belly was bytter.

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