Bible verses about "homesickness" | Matthew

Psalms 119:54

54 Thy statutes are my songes in the house of my pylgremage.

Hebrews 13:5-6

5 Let your conuersacyon be wythoute couetuousnes, and be content wyth that ye haue alreadye. For he verelye sayed: I wyll not fayle the, neyther forsake the: 6 that we maye boldelye say: the Lorde is my helper and I wyll not feare what man doethe vnto me.

Psalms 23:1-6

1 A Psalme of Dauid. The Lord is my shepherde, I can want nothynge. 2 He fedeth me in a grene pasture, and ledeth me to a freshe water. 3 He quickeneth my soule, and bryngeth me forth in the waye of righteousnes for his names sake. 4 Though I should walke now in the valley of the shadow of death, yet I feare not euel for thou arte with me: thy staffe & thy shepehoke comforte me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me agaynste myne enemyes: thou anoyntest my head with oyle, and fyllest my cuppe ful. 6 Oh let thy louing kyndnes and mercy folowe me all the dayes of my life, that I may dwell in the house of the Lorde for euer.

Psalms 121:1-8

1 The song of the steares. I lyft vp myne eyes vnto the hylles, from whence commeth my helpe. 2 My helpe commeth euen from the Lord which hath made heauen and earth. 3 He wyll not suffer thy fote to be moued, and he that kepeth the slepeth not. 4 Beholde, he that kepeth Israell, doth nether slomber nor slepe. 5 The Lorde him selfe is thy keper, the Lorde is thy defence vpon thy ryght hande. 6 So that the sunne shall not burne the by daye, nether the mone by nyght. 7 The Lorde preserueth the from all euyll, yea it is the Lorde that kepeth thy soule. 8 The Lorde preserueth thy goyng out and thy commynge in, from thys tyme forth for euer more.

Mark 10:29-30

29 Iesus aunswered and sayed: Verely I say vnto you: there is no man that forsaketh house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wyfe, other chyldren, or landes for my sake & the Gospels, 30 which shall not receyue an hundred folde now in this lyfe: houses, & brethren and systers, and mothers, and chyldren, and landes wyth persecucyons, and in the worlde to come eternal lyfe.

Isaiah 66:13

13 For lyke as a chylde is comforteth of hys mother, so shall I comforte you, and ye shalbe comforted in Ierusalem.

Lamentations 3:22-24

22 Heth. Namely, that the mercyes of the Lord are not cleane gone, and that hys louynge kyndnesse ceasseth not. 23 His faythfulnes is greate, and renueth it selfe as the mournynge. 24 The Lorde is my porcyon, sayeth my soule therfore wyll I hope in hym.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

1 Every thynge hath a tyme, yea all that is vnder the heauen, hath his conuenient season. 2 Their is a tyme to be borne, & a tyme to dye. Ther is tyme to plant, and a time to plucke vp the thing, that is planted. 3 A tyme to slay, and a tyme to make whole. A time to breake down, & a time to bild vp. 4 A time to wepe, and a time to laugh: A time to mourne, and a tyme to daunce: 5 A time to cast away stones, and a tyme to gather stones together: A tyme to enbrace, and a tyme to refrayne from enbrasyng. 6 A time to win, and a tyme to lose: A time to spare, and a tyme to spend: 7 A time to cut in peces, and a time to sowe together: A time to kepe silence, and a time to speake: 8 A tyme to loue, and a tyme to hate: A tyme of war, and time of peace: 9 What hath a man els (that doth any thinge) but werines & labour? 10 For as touchyng the trauayle and carefulnes which God hath geuen vnto men, I se that he hath geuen it them, to be exercised in it. 11 Al this hath he ordeyned maruelous goodly: to euery thing his due tyme He hath planted ignorance also in the hertes of men, that thei shuld not find out the ground of his workes, whiche he doth from the beginning to the end. 12 So I perceiued, that in these thinges their is nothinge better for a man, then to be mery and to do wel so long as he liueth. 13 For al that a man eateth & drinketh, yea whatsoeuer a man enioyeth of al his labour, the same is a gyfte of God. 14 I considered also that whatsoeuer God doth, it continueth for euer, & that no thing can be put vnto it nor taken from it: & that god doth it to the intent, that men shuld feare him. 15 The thing that hath bene, is now: & that thing that is for to come, hath bene afore time, for God restoreth agayne the thynge that was paste. 16 Moreouer, I saw vnder the sunne vngodlyenesse in the steade of iudgemente, and iniquitye in steade of ryghtuousnesse. 17 Then thought I in my mind: God shal separat the rightuous from the vngodly, & then shalbe that time and iudgment of al councels and worckes. 18 I comened with mine own hert also concerning the children of men how God hath chosen them & yet letteth them apeare: as though they were beastes: 19 for it hapeneth vnto men as it doth vnto beastes, & as the one dieth, so dyeth the other: yea, thei haue both one maner of byrth so that (in this) a man hathe no preemynence aboue a beast, but al are subdued vnto vanitie. 20 They go all vnto one place, for as they be all of dust, so shal they all turne vnto dust agayne. 21 Who knoweth the sprete of man that goeth vpwarde, & the breath of the beast that goeth doune into the earth? 22 Wherefore I perceyue, that there is nothing better for a man, then to be ioyfull in his labour, for that is hys porcion. But who will bring him to se the thing that shall come after hym?

Isaiah 26:3-4

3 And thou, whiche art the doar & hast the matter in hand, shalt prouyde for peace, euen the peace that men hope for in the. 4 Hope styl in the lord for in the Lorde God is euerlastyng strength.

2 Corinthians 1:3-7

3 Blessed be God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ, the father of mercy, and the God of all comforte, 4 whiche comforteth vs in all oure tribulacion, in so muche that we are able to comforte them, which are troubled in whatsoeuer tribulation it be, with the same comforte wherwith we our selues are comforted of God. 5 For as the affliccions of Christ are plenteous in vs: euen so is our consolacion plenteous by Christe. 6 Whether we be troubled for youre consolacion & saluacion, whiche saluacion, sheweth her power in that ye suffer the same afflictions which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted for your consolacion, and saluation, 7 yet oure hope is stedfast for you, in as muche as we knowe howe that as ye haue youre parte in affliccions, so shall ye be partakers of consolacion.

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be not carefull: but in all thinges shewe your petition vnto God in prayer and supplication, wyth geuinge of thankes. 7 And the peace of God, whiche passeth al vnderstandynge, kepe your hertes and myndes in Chryste Iesu.

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