Bible verses about "dishonesty" | Matthew

Proverbs 20:23

23 The Lorde, abhorreth two maner of weyghtes, and a false balaunce is an euell thinge.

Proverbs 11:1

1 A false balance is an abhomynation vnto the Lord, but a true weight pleaseth him.

Hebrews 13:18

18 Praye for vs. We haue confydence because we haue a good conscience in all thynges, and desyre to lyue honestlye.

Proverbs 11:3

3 The innocente dealyng of the iust shal leade them, but the vnfaithfulnesse of the despisers shalbe their owne destruccion

Proverbs 16:28

28 A frowarde bodye causeth stryfe, and he that is a blabbe of his tonge, maketh deuisyon amonge princes.

Luke 16:10-12

10 He that is faythfull in that whiche is least, the same is faythfull in muche. And he that is vnfaythfull in the least, is vnfaythfull also in muche. 11 So then yf ye haue not ben faythfull in the wycked Mammon: who wyll beleue you in that which is true? 12 And yf ye haue not bene faythfull in another mannes busynes, who shall geue you your owne?

Luke 16:10

10 He that is faythfull in that whiche is least, the same is faythfull in muche. And he that is vnfaythfull in the least, is vnfaythfull also in muche.

Exodus 20:16

16 Thou shalte beare no false witnesse agaynst thy neyghboure.

Colossians 3:9-10

9 Lye not one to another, that the olde man wyth hys workes be put of, 10 and the newe put on, whiche is renued in knowledge after the ymage of hym, that made hym

Proverbs 20:17

17 Euery man liketh the bread that is gotten with disceate, but at the laste hys mouth shalbe filled with grauell.

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 There be sixe thinges which the Lorde hateth, and the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth: 17 A proude loke, a dyssemblynge tonge, handes that shede innocent bloud, 18 an hert that goeth about with wicked ymaginacions, fet that be swift in rening to do mischefe, 19 a false witnes that bringeth vp lies, and such one as soweth dyscord amonge brethren,

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