Bible verses about "disagreements" | JMNT

John 13:16

16 "Most assuredly (It is certainly true; Amen, amen), I am saying to you, a slave is not greater than his lord (owner; master), nor [is] one sent with a mission (an emissary; a representative) greater than the one sending him.

John 8:32

32 "and you will progressively come to know the Truth (or: Reality; that which is unsealed, open and without concealment) by intimate experience, and the Truth (Reality) will progressively liberate and make (or: set) you free!"

1 Corinthians 11:19

19 Then you see, it also continues to be necessary and binding for there constantly to be choices and options among you folks, to the end that those who have been examined and tested among you may also come to be (or: be birthed) manifested ones (folks shown in clear light).

2 Peter 2:9

9 [The] Lord [=Yahweh], having seen, thus knows to (or: knows how to) continuously drag out of danger (or: rescue) a reverent person (one standing in devout goodness, in awe and in virtuous conduct with ease and well-being from relationship with God) from out of the midst of a trial (or: ordeal; [other MSS: trials]), yet to constantly keep in custody, guard, watch over and maintain unjust folks (people who live contrary to the Way pointed out; unrightwised folks) [who are] being repeatedly pruned (or: being progressively corrected), [which is leading] unto a day of evaluating for making a decision [about their progress] (or: of judging [condition]),

1 Corinthians 6:7

7 Indeed, it is already (or: to begin with [= even before going to court]) therefore wholly an effect of a lessened condition in (a result of a diminishing from an overthrow for) you folks – that you continue having lawsuits with one another. Why not rather continue suffering wrong (or: be repeatedly treated unfairly and unjustly)? Why not rather continue being defrauded (or: being deprived from; or, as a middle: allowing yourselves to be cheated)?

Ephesians 4:1-3

1 I myself the prisoner (or: bound one; captive) within, and in union with, [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] am therefore repeatedly calling you folks, as it were, alongside: exhorting, admonishing, imploring and entreating youto walk [your path] (= behave; = live your life) worthily pertaining to (or: in a manner suitable to the value of) the callingand invitation in regard to which you folks arecalled (or: from which you were summoned), 2 with all lowliness of attitude (or: humility in frame of mind) and gentle kindness, with longsuffering (forbearance; patience; a long wait before rushing in passion), continuously holding one another up (or: bearing with each other with tolerance) within the sphere of, and in union with, love, 3 repeatedly hurrying to make every effort to constantly keep (watch over to guard and protect) the Spirit's oneness (or: the unity of the Breath-effect and spirit; = agreement of [your] attitude) within the bond (the link, tie and connection that joins two things; the binding conjunction which results in union) of the peace (the harmony and tranquility; the state of untroubled, undisturbed well-being; [= the shalom]),

1 Corinthians 6:1-8

1 Does anyone of you folks [who] are continuing holding a result of some deed done (or: the effect of a practice) toward someone else (or: are now having a business transaction focused toward another; continue in having a dispute or law-suit proceeding toward the different person) now dare or boldly presume to continue to be judged upon the basis (or: = in the place or court) of unjust folks (people who are unfair and are not in the way pointed out; = those outside the called-out community), and not upon the [basis; place; court] of the set-apart folks (the saints; the holy ones)? 2 Or have you not seen so as to know that the set-apart folks (the saints; the holy, sacred people; the different-from-the-profane folks) will proceed to sift, separate, evaluate and decide about the organized System (the world of culture, religion and government; or: secular society; or: = the Roman Empire)? So since (or: if) within the midst of, among and in union with you folks the world System is to be habitually (progressively; repeatedly) evaluated and judged, are you people unworthy or unfit in regard to deciding about very trivial controversies (or: not of equal value to the smallest standards by which to sift and evaluate; or: of [holding the] least tribunals or places for court)? 3 Have you not seen so as to know that we shall continue sifting, separating, evaluating and making decisions about agents (or: will continue judging messengers) – why not, indeed, the affairs and business matters of everyday life? 4 Indeed, therefore, if you may continue having tribunals (places or situations for trying things; or: standards for evaluating controversies) pertaining to life's affairs and business matters, make it a practice to seat [as judges] those in the local called-out community [who] have been regarded as amounting to nothing and are treated with contempt and scorn (those least esteemed and of humble station in life). (or, as a question: are you making it a practice to seat [as judges] those looked down upon in the congregation?) 5 I am saying [this] to direct you folks toward turning back within [your community or yourself, and so, to reconsider]. Is there thus not one wise man (a man skilled with insight) among you folks who will continue able to thoroughly sift and hold up [things] for evaluation and decision (to adjudicate back) in his brother's midst? 6 But to the contrary, a brother is constantly being brought to court (sued; judged; evaluated and decided about) with a brother (= by a fellow believer; or: member of the same family) – and this upon [the basis and situation] of unbelievers! 7 Indeed, it is already (or: to begin with [= even before going to court]) therefore wholly an effect of a lessened condition in (a result of a diminishing from an overthrow for) you folks – that you continue having lawsuits with one another. Why not rather continue suffering wrong (or: be repeatedly treated unfairly and unjustly)? Why not rather continue being defrauded (or: being deprived from; or, as a middle: allowing yourselves to be cheated)? 8 Yet instead, you yourselves are constantly committing wrong (being unfair and unjust; living contrary to the Way pointed out) and are repeatedly defrauding (cheating; depriving from [someone]) – and this [to] brothers (= fellow believers; = members of the Family)!

Ephesians 4:31-5:2

31 Let every bitterness, swelling negative emotion (inherent fervor; or: natural propensity, disposition and impulse; or: wrath), enraged impulse, clamorous outcry, and blasphemy (slanderous, abusive or light-hindering speech; malignment; vilifying defamation; harm-averment) be at once lifted up and removed from you folks, together with all worthlessness (that which ought not to be; that which is of bad quality; malice; ugliness; badness; depravity)! 32 Yet keep on becoming kind folks (or: So progressively come to be {or: be birthed to be} useful and obliging ones) unto one another people [who are] tenderly compassionate folks constantly dealing graciously, extending favoramong yourselves (or: forgiving yourselves), according as God also, within and in union with the Christ, was and isgracious (or: deals favorably) to and with (or: freely forgives) you folks [other MSS: us].

Ephesians 5:1-2

1 Keep on becoming (or: Progressively come to be), then, imitators (those made exactly alike so as to portray, express and represent by means of imitation) of God, as beloved (or: like loveable) children, 2 and keep on walking (walking around; = progressively living and maintaining your life) within, and in union with, Love, according as the Christ also loves (or: to the same level and commensurately as the Anointed One loved) you, and gives (or: gave) Himself over (or: up; alongside) in our behalf (over us and our [situation]; [other MSS: you]): a bearing toward and a bringingto be face to face, and then an offering (or: sacrifice) by (or: in; with; to; for) God (or: an approach [present], even a sacrifice by God) [turning] into a fragrant odor (sweet smell).

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