Bible verses about "worldliness" | Great

Ephesians 4:17-20

17 This I saye therfore, and testifye thorowe the Lorde, that ye hence forth walke not, as other Gentyls walke, in vanite of theyr minde, 18 whyle they are blinded in their vnderstandynge, beynge farre from a godly lyfe, by the meanes of the ignorancy that is in them, and because of the blyndnes of their hertes: 19 which beynge past repentaunce, haue geuen them selues ouer vnto wantannes, to worke all manner of vnclennes, euen with gredines. 20 But ye haue not so learned Christ.

2 Timothy 2:22

22 Lustes of youth auoyde, but folowe ryghtwesnes, fayth, loue and peace, with them that call on the Lorde with a pure herte.

Jude 1:19

19 These are makers of sectes, fleshlye, hauynge no sprete.

1 Peter 1:14

14 as obedient chyldren, that ye geue not youre selues ouer vnto youre olde lustes,

1 Peter 2:11

11 Dearly beloued, I beseche you as straungers and pylgrems, abstayne from fleshly lustes, which fyght against the soule,

2 Timothy 2:4

4 No man that warreth, entanglyth hym selfe wyth worldly busynes, and that because he maye please hym, whych hath chosen hym to be a soudier.

2 Peter 2:12-15

12 But these as brute beastes, naturally brought forth to be taken and destroyed, speake euyll of the thinges that they vnderstande not, & shall perisshe in their awne destruccion, 13 & receaue the rewarde of vnryghtwesnes. They count it pleasure to lyue delyciously for a season. Spottes they are & fylthynes: which lyue at pleasure in their owne disceauable wayes, feastinge & scorninge you: 14 hauinge eyes full of aduoutrie, and the cannot cease from synne: begyling vnstable soules. Hertes they haue excercysed with robrie. They are cursed chyldren 15 which haue forsaken the ryght waye, and are gone astraye folowynge the waye of Balaam the sonne of Bosor, which loued the rewarde of vnryghtewesnes:

John 15:19

19 If ye were of the worlde, the worlde wolde loue his awne. Howbeit, because ye are not of the world. But I haue chosen you out of the world therfore the world hateth you.

Titus 2:12

12 and teacheth vs that we shulde denye vngodlynes and worldy lustes, & that we shulde lyue soberly, and ryghteously, and godly in thys present worlde,

1 John 2:15-16

15 Se that ye loue not the worlde, nether the thynges that are in the worlde. If eny man loue the worlde, the loue of the father is not in hym. 16 For all that is in the worlde (as the lust of the flesshe, and the lust of the eyes, & the pryde of life) is not of the father, but of the worlde.

James 4:4

4 Ye aduouterars, and wemen that breke matrimonye: knowe ye not how that the frendshyp of the worlde is enmytie wt God? whosoeuer therfore wilbe a frende of the worlde, is made the enemye of God.

Colossians 3:2

2 Set youre affeccyon on heauenly thynges, and not on erthye thynges.

Romans 12:2

2 & fassyon not youre selues lyke vnto this worlde: but be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuyng of your mynde, that ye maye proue what thynge that good, and acceptable, and perfaycte wyll of God is.

1 John 2:15-17

15 Se that ye loue not the worlde, nether the thynges that are in the worlde. If eny man loue the worlde, the loue of the father is not in hym. 16 For all that is in the worlde (as the lust of the flesshe, and the lust of the eyes, & the pryde of life) is not of the father, but of the worlde. 17 And the worlde passeth awaye and the lust therof: but he that fulfylleth the will of God, abydeth for euer.

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