Bible verses about "ego" | Great

2 Chronicles 36:9-18

9 Iehoacin was eyght yeare olde whan he beganne to raygne, and he raygned thre monethes and ten dayes in Ierusalem: and dyd euelll in the sight of the Lorde: 10 And when the yeare was out, kynge Nabuchodonosor sent, and let him to Babilon with the goodly vessels of the house of the Lord, and made Zedekia (his fathers brother) kynge ouer Iuda and Ierusalem. 11 Zedekia was one and twenty yere olde, when he beganne to raygne, & raygned eleuen yere in Ierusalem. 12 And he dyd euell in the syght of the Lorde hys God, and humbled not him selfe before Ieremia the prophete at the mouth of the Lorde. 13 And he rebelled agaynst Nabuchodonosor, which had receaued an oth of hym by God. But he was stifnecked, and to harde herted to turne vnto the Lorde God of Israell. 14 Moreouer, all the rulers, the prestes, & the people trespaced more synnyng after all maner of abhominacyons of the heathen, and poluted the house of the Lord, which he had halowed in Ierusalem. 15 And the Lord God of their fathers sent to them, by hys messengers, risyng vp by tymes and sendynge: for he had compassyon on hys people, and on his dwellyng place. 16 But they mocked the messengers of God, & despised his wordes, and mysse vsed hys prophetes, vntyll the wrath of the Lord arose agaynst his people, and tyll there was no remedy. 17 And so he brought vpon them the kyng of Caldeye, which slue their yong men with the swearde in their holy temple, and spared nether yonge man, mayden, olde man, ner hym that stowped for age. He gaue them all into his hande. 18 And all the vessels of the house of God, (both great and small) and the treasures of the house of the Lorde, and the treasures of the kynge, and of hys Lordes: all these caried he to Babilon.

Luke 10:16

16 He that heareth you, heareth me: and he that despyseth you, despyseth me: and he that despyseth me; despyseth him that sent me. 17 And when he was gone forth into the waye, ther came one runnynge and kneled to hym, & asked hym: good master, what shal I do, that I maye enheret eternall lyfe? 18 Iesus sayde vnto hym: why callest thou me good? There is no man good, but one, which is God.

John 8:28

28 Then sayd Iesus vnto them: when ye haue lyft vp an hye the sonne of man, then shall ye knowe, that I am he, and that I do nothinge of my selfe: but as my father hath taught me, euen so I speake these thinges:

Colossians 4:6

6 Let youre speache be alwayes well sauored & powdred with salt, that ye maye knowe, howe ye ought to answer euery man.

John 5:31

31 If I shulde beare wytnes of my selfe, my wytnes were not true.

John 5:30

30 I can of myne awne selfe do nothing. As I heare, I iudge, and my iudgment is iust, because I seke not myne awne wyll, but the wyll of the father whych hath sent me

Philippians 2:1-10

1 If ther be therfore eny consolacyon in Christ, yf ther be eny comforte of loue, yf ther by eny fellishyppe of the sprete, yf ther be eny compassion and mercy: 2 full fyll ye my ioye, that ye be lyke mynded, hauinge one loue, beynge of one accorde, and of one mynde, 3 that nothinge be done thorowe stryfe or of vayne glory, but in mekenes of mynde, let euery man esteme another better then hym selfe. 4 Loke not ye euery man on hys awne thinges, but euery man on the thinges that are other mens. 5 Let the same mynde be in you, that was also in Christ Iesu: 6 which whan he was in the shape of God, thought it no robbery to be equall with God 7 Neuerthelesse he made hym selfe of no reputacion, takynge on hym the shape of a seruaunte, and became lyke vnto men, 8 and was founde in his apparell as a man. He humbled him selfe, and became obedient vnto the deeth, euen the deeth of the crosse. 9 Wherfore, God also hath exalted him on hye, and geuen him a name which is aboue all names: 10 that in the name of Iesus euery knee shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen and thynges in erth and thynges vnder the erth,

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