Bible verses about "conception" | Great

Genesis 21:1

1 The Lorde visyted Sara as he had sayde and dyd vnto her accordynge as he had promysed.

Genesis 1:27

27 And so God created man in his awne ymage: in the ymage of God created he hym, male and female created he them.

Judges 13:3-24

3 And the Aungell of the Lorde apeared vnto the woman: and sayde vnto her: Beholde, thou art barren, and bearest not: But thou shalt conceaue, & beare a sonne. 4 And now beware that thou drinke no wyne. ner strong drincke, nether eate any vncleane thing: 5 for se, thou shalt conceaue and beare a sonne. And there may no rasor come on hys heed. For the ladd shalbe an abstayner vnto God, euen from his byrth. And he shall begynne to delyuer Israell out of the handes of the Phylistines. 6 Then the wyfe came, & tolde her husband sayenge: a man of God came vnto me, & the fassion of him was lyke the fassion of an Angell of God, excedyng fearfull. But I asked hym not whence he was, nether tolde he me hys name, but sayd vnto me: 7 beholde, thou shalt be with childe & beere a sonne, and now drincke no wyne nor strong dryncke, nether eate any vncleane thyng: for the ladd shalbe an abstayner to God, euen from hys byrth, to the daye of hys death. 8 Then Manoah made intercessyon to the Lorde, and sayde: I praye the my Lorde, lett the man of God whych thou sendest, come once moare vnto vs, and teache vs what we shal do vnto the ladd, when he is borne. 9 And God hearde the voyce of Manoah, and the angell of God came agayne vnto the wyfe as she sat in the felde. But Manoah her husband was not with her. 10 And the wyfe made hast, and ranne, and shewed her husbande, & sayde vnto hym: Beholde, the man apeared vnto me, that came vnto me to daye. 11 And Manoah arose, and went after hys wyfe, and came to the man, and sayde vnto him: art thou the man that spakest vnto my wyfe? And he sayde: I am. 12 Manoah sayde: now when thy saieng is come to passe: what shalbe the maner of the childe, and what shall he do? 13 And the angell of the Lorde sayd vnto Manoah: thy wyfe must absteyne from all that I sayde vnto her: 14 she maye eate of nothyng that cometh of the vyne tree, ner dryncke wyne or strong dryncke, nor eate any vncleane thynge: But must obserue all that I bad her. 15 Manoah sayde vnto the aungell of the Lord: we wyl kepe the styll, vntyll we haue made redye a kydd, and haue sett it before the. 16 And the angell of the Lorde sayde vnto Manoah: though thou make me abyde. I wyll not eate of thy bread. And yf thou wylt offre a burntoffring, thou must offer it vnto the Lorde. For Manoah wist not, that it was an angell of the Lord. 17 And Manoah said agayne vnto the angel of the Lord: what is thy name, that when thy sayinge is come to passe, we maye do the some worshyppe? 18 And the angel of the Lorde sayd vnto hym: why askest thou after my name, whych is Secrete. 19 And so Manoah toke a kydde wt a meateofferinge, and offered it vpon a rocke vnto the Lorde. And the angell dyd wonderouslye. Manoah and hys wyfe lokynge vpon. 20 And when the flame came vp toward heauen from the aultare, the angell of the Lord ascended vp in the flame of the aultare. And Manoah and hys wyfe loked vpon it, and fell flat on their faces vnto the grounde. 21 But the angel of the Lorde dyd nomoare apeare vnto Manoah and his wife. And then Manoah knew that it was an angel of the Lorde, 22 and sayde vnto hys wyfe we shall suerlye dye, because we haue sene God. 23 But his wife said vnto him: Yf the Lord wold kyll vs, he wolde not haue receaued a burntoffryng & a meateoffring of oure handes, nether wolde he haue shewed vs all these thinges, nor wolde now haue tolde vs any soche. 24 And the wyfe bare a sonne, and called his name Samson. And the ladd grewe, and the Lorde blessed hym.

1 Samuel 1:19

19 And they rose vp earlye, & worshipped before the lord, & then returned, & came to theyr house to Ramath. And whan Elkana knew Hanna his wyfe, the Lord remembred her:

Psalms 92:12-14

12 and myne eare shall heare hys desyre of the wycked that ryse vp agaynst me. 13 The ryghteous shal florish lyke a palme tree, and shal sprede abroade lyke a Cedre in Libanus. 14 Soch as be planted in the house of the Lorde shall florishe in the courtes of our God. They shall also bryng forth more frute in theyr age, & shalbe fat and well likyng.

Luke 1:36

36 And beholde, thy cosyn Elizabeth, she hath also conceaued a sonne in her age. And this is her syxt moneth, which was called barren:

Luke 1:24

24 And after those dayes, his wyfe Elizabeth conceaued, & hid her selfe fyue monethes, sayinge: 25 Thys wyse hath God dealte with me, in the dayes wherin he hath loked on me, to take from me my rebuke amonge men.

Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them, and God sayd vnto them: Growe and increace and replenyshe the erth, and subdue it: and haue dominion of the fish of the see, and foule of the aire: and of euery lyuing thyng that moueth vpon the earth.

Exodus 23:26

26 There shalbe no woman childlesse or vnfrutefull in thy lande: the nombre of thy dayes wyll I fulfyll.

Deuteronomy 7:14

14 Thou shalt be blessed aboue all nacyons: there shalbe nether man nor woman vnfrutefull amonge you, nor any thing vnfrutefull amonge your catell.

1 Samuel 1:20

20 for in processe of tyme it came to passe, that she conceaued, & bare a sonne, & called his name Samuel (sayeng:) because I haue asked him of the Lord.

Psalms 127:3-5

3 It is but lost laboure that ye haste to ryse vp early, and so late take rest, and eate the breade of carefulnesse: for so he gyueth hys beloued sleape. 4 Lo, chyldren and the frute of the wombe are an herytage and gyfte, that commeth of the Lorde. 5 Lyke as the arowes in the hande of the gyaunt, euen so are the yonge chyldren. Happy is the man, that hath hys quyuer full of them, they shall not be ashamed, when they speake wyth theyr enemyes in the gate.

Psalms 113:9

9 He maketh the baren woman to kepe house, and to be a ioyfull mother of children. Prayse the Lorde.

Luke 1:37

37 for with God shall nothinge be vnpossible.

Luke 1:31-35

31 Behold, thou shalt conceaue in thy wombe, & beare a sonne, & shalt call his name Iesus. 32 He shalbe greate, & shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And the Lorde God shall geue vnto him the seate of his father Dauid 33 and he shall raygne ouer the house of Iacob for euer, and of his kyngdome there shalbe none ende. 34 Then sayde Mary vnto the angell: How shall this be, seynge I knowe not a man? 35 And the angell answered, & sayde vnto her. The holy goost shall come vpon the, and the power of the hyest shall ouer shaddowe the. Therfore also that holy thynge which shalbe borne, shalbe called the sonne of God.

Genesis 30:22

22 And God remembred Rahel, hearde her, and made her frutefull:

Genesis 25:21

21 And Isahac made intercessyon vnto the Lorde for hys wyfe: because she was baren: and the Lorde was intreated of hym, and Rebecca his wyfe conceaued:

Psalms 139:13-16

13 For my reynes are thyne, thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe. 14 I will geue thankes vnto the: for I am fearfully & wonderously made: maruelous are thy workes, & that my soule knoweth right well. 15 My bones are not hyd from the, though I be made secretly and fasshioned beneth in the earth. 16 Thyne eyes dyd se my substaunce, yet being vnparfect: & in thy boke were all my membres written. Which daye by daye were fashyoned, when as yet there was none of them.

Jeremiah 1:5

5 Before I fasshioned the in thy mothers wombe, I dyd knowe the. And or euer thou wast borne, I sanctifyed the, and ordeyned the, to be a prophete vnto the people.

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