Bible verses about "restore" | Coverdale

Ruth 4:15

15 he shal restore thy life agayne, and prouyde for thine age. For yi sonnes wife which hath loued the, hath borne him that is better vnto the, then seuen sonnes.

2 Kings 19:26-31

26 & they that dwell therin, shal be faynte, and fearfull and a shamed, and shal be as the grasse vpon the felde, and as ye grene herbe and hay vpon the house toppes, that wythereth afore it be growne vp. 27 I knowe thy habitacion, thy out and ingoynge, and that thou ragest agaynst me. 28 For so moch then as thou ragest agaynst me, and seynge thy presumpcion is come vp to myne eares, therfore wyll I put a rynge in thy nose, and a brydle bytt in thy lippes, and wyll brynge the agayne, euen the same waye thou camest. 29 And let this be a token vnto the O Ezechias. In this yeare eate yt which is fallen. in the seconde yeare soch as groweth of it selfe: In ye thirde yeare sowe and reape, and plante vynyardes, and eate the frute therof. 30 And the doughter Iuda which is escaped & remayneth, shall from hence forth take rote beneth, and beare frute aboue. 31 For the remnaunt shal go forth from Ierusalem, & they yt are escaped, shall go out fro mount Sion. The gelousy of the LORDE Zebaoth shall brynge this to passe.

Proverbs 6:31

31 but yf he maye be gotten, he restoreth agayne seuen tymes asmoch, or els he maketh recompence with all the good of his house.

Acts 3:19

19 Do penaunce now therfore and turne you, that youre synnes maye be done awaye, whan the tyme of refreshinge shal come before the presence of the LORDE,

1 Timothy 5:8

8 But yf there be eny man that prouydeth not for his awne, and specially for them of his houssholde, the same hath denyed the faith, and is worse then an infydele.

Romans 15:13

13 The God off hope fyll you wt all ioye and peace in beleuynge, yt ye maye be plenteous in hope thorow ye power of the holy goost.

Psalms 23:3

3 He quickeneth my soule, & bringeth me forth in the waye of rightuousnes for his names sake.

Psalms 51:12

12 O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne, and stablish me with thy fre sprete.

Jeremiah 30:17

17 For I will geue the thy health agayne, and make thy woundes whole, saieth the LORDE: because they reuyled the, as one cast awaye and despised, o Sion.

Acts 3:20-21

20 and whan he shal sende him, which now before is preached vnto you, euen Iesus Christ: 21 which must receaue heauen vntyll the tyme that all thinges, which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophetes sence ye worlde beganne, be restored agayne.

Joel 2:25-26

25 And as for the yeares that ye gre?shopper, locuste, blasstinge & caterpiller (my greate hoost, which I sent amonge you) haue eaten vp, I shal restore them to you agayne: 26 so that ye shal haue ynough to eate, and be satisfied: and prayse the name of the LORDE youre God, that so maruelously hath dealte with you. And my people shall neuer be confounded eny more:

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